re:View Star Trek Discovery

skeptoid's picture

Star Trek Discovery (Pilot Episodes) - re:View

If you don't usually watch these, but you like Star Trek, you should probably watch this one.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


thrasymacus's picture

This show might not pan out, but this critique is pretty terrible.  Pilot episode had a lot of potential storywise.

Main character not likeable right off the bat?  Good.  Opportunity to grow.

I'd like to find out more about the Klingons and their motives.  Maybe it will be thin, but maybe some back story, Klingon perspective, will be filled in.  I could see an argument in the Federation being kind of arrogant.  Our utopian ideals might now jive with other races.  I'm just saying I won't dismiss the Klingon philosophy before the show has had the chance to show it.  Clash of civilisations and ideas, that interests me.  Who knows, maybe they're riffing on western/pluralism/multiculturalism vs middle eastern or possibly asian values.


Anyways, even though these two dudes are obviously super fans,  their ability to critique didn't blow me away.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just watched the first episode and must say I am heavily under-impressed.


Captain and first officer on a planet sorting shit out that could be done by cadets?

Babbling shit (89 year drought) about what should have been briefed beforehand, losing coms, "you got lost", "now you got lost" and so on and so forth.


Sloppy, if you ask me.


I'll watch the second part of the pilot and then maybe finish this review. But I must say technically it is -like they said- well made, but gawdawfulconversations and as always dumbasfuck actions on behalf of the main characters spoiled the first part heavily for me.




Just watched the second part of the pilot and must ay it did not make me want to watch the rest of the series.

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