the right to shoot her grandkids


daftcunt's picture
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My right to shoot my grandchildren.

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Pdub's picture

So do the grand children have the right to shoot their grand mother to protect her?

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nakedslave's picture

I think the argument here is...

Obviously killing should be the last resort. But sometimes the last resort is your last option.


If Grandchildren 1 goes nuts and wants to murder Grandchildren 2-3-4 and 5. Then yea Gramma should have the right to kill Grandchilden 1 who's about to murder his siblings.


Vice versa.


If Gramma goes nuts and grabs a knife or gun and wants to murder the kids.  Vice versa.  Shoot the crazy Gramma


I understand that cops should be the first one to stop this.  But as we seen with the 19 dead kids in Uvalde.  Cops aren't always there to defend you. Some time... Donut cop is a little slow at getting to your house.

You don't care now because non of this is effecting any of you. But I bet if your wife, mom or child got murdered in a horrible way. Your views on self defence would change very quick.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Not only do they take away guns from law abiding citizens but doing so also the criminals, she forgets to mention that, back to the old ways of europe, swords :)

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theblackswordsman's picture
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" but doing so also the criminals"


No it doesn't.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is a well underbuilt theory pal.

The guns from the criminals would be taken in a few years one by one arrest after arrest, you think the same criminals run around their entire life on the street armed with the same gun?

Most guns are bought from gun owners who then report it stolen, or they break in and acctualy steal it, that is how they end up on the street, or they buy it themselves report it stolen and file the serial number off.

All those guns on the street originaly come from gun stores

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theblackswordsman's picture
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How are you going to find weapons that arn't registered? Hundreds of millions of them in north America alone.


Weapons that are smuggled.


Weapons that are stolen directly from military armories (See the nordic biker wars, and the battle of athens)


3d printers can make them.


Skilled Metal workers can make them.


Explosives can be made from simple components.


Gun laws only stop law abiding citizens from getting them. This has been known by anyone with a brain for a very long time.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes and i also heard some guy on the internet say that gay ppl eata de poopoo, so it must be true.


I am not that gullible


Let them manufacture bullets and guns themselves..., the laws will become so strict and punishments so harsh that noone will ever carry one, to do that you have to take em first out of as much ppl's hands, lessen the availability and deaths by guns go down,


all mass shootings where registered guns. 


Even if criminals make em then atleast the states didn't provide them, or made em available for purchase, and it would be a niche market, with ultimate punishment when caught, a handmade gun would cost 5000 dollar for something decent, and would not be able to shoot that many rounds before jamming,


3d printed guns are using real barrels.


It is like the war on drugs if the states alow heroin you would see some serious shit hitting the fan.

In few years the population would be cut down one third. from all the overdose deaths.


If you think that the situation is doable right now search the internet for (violence in America), most of the weapons - registered guns

This is what i came up with when searching


Profile of Firearm Deaths. As of 1991, firearms are the second leading cause of injury-related death in this country, and it is estimated that for every such ...



Before they become unregistered they where registered at some point. Smuggling will not exist if you get the death penalty for being in possession.


I know you have guns, but why, do you think someone is comming to kill you?


Or rob you? just give up your shit and let the insurance and police do the rest.


But you think a gun is insurance enough, almost all ppl who get shot are gun owners themselves, they try to rambo it because they have seen one action movie to many, end up getting shot, by the guy trying to steal some old dvd's.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Uk guns are illegal. Immensely easy to get them if you know the right people. They also have a dirty little knife crime problem as a result. I'd personally rather be shot than stabbed if those were the only 2 options.


If we outlaw hands will that finally stop violence from the determined?


Canada Assault weapons are illegal. Immensely easy to get them if you know the right people.


Australia many firearms illegal. Still easy to get them.


What does these examples have in common? Criminals can get them very easily. Citizens cannot.


Penalties don't stop smuggling. It just makes smugglers better at their trade. 


Those bold and organized enough will take them right off the police and right out of military compounds. ( again, see the nordic biker wars and the battle of athens.)


Laws are just words and paper. They don't protect you. Police are not liable to stop violent crimes. They investigate after it's too late for you.


And who punishes members of the state when it turns against you?


You make it sound like not one will be punished from an armed population because police and military are invincible vs the normal citizen. Lol.


In the recent Texas shooting, 120 police stood outside the school for an hour and a half and refused to stop the gunmen.


Do you know who did? An off duty police officer who got a call from his wife who was a staff member. He was having a haircut at the time. Borrowed thebarbers shotgun and stopped it himself.


NOT ONE OF THE 120 ON DUTY OFFICERS DID ANYTHING THAT DAY! Except arrest other good citizens that attempted to go in and stop the shooting themselves before it got to the point it did.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

-So you bought a gun out of fear?

-Or do you feel need to kill ppl that wronged you?, could be a deeper psychological problem.


Wich one of the 2 is it? answer that first, i don't fear guns in belgium, they are niche


Neither did you adress the fact that these school shootings are comitted with registered weapons.


You feel like the police is not helping you in time of need?

You feel it is up to the real lone hero, like yourself? It fits you?


I never said anything about police and military against the ppl, they need to make the guns illegal to lesten the availability because where do you draw the line between citizen and criminal, criminal is a citizen who has a bad time.


You want to shoot members of the state if some laws are passed you don't like?


Every other point you made was complete whoreshit, what UK? you comparing the UK with America? look up the percentages.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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The answer is netiher for your first question.


But I will fight ANYONE who seeks to harm me.


Registering weapons does not stop the crimes either.It just makes it easier to seize them later.


The police have never helped me once.


It's the duty of every individual to do what is right if they have th means to do so.


"I never said anything about police and military against the people" That's the most important reason for armed citizens. Without them, the people will have to rely on being unified enough to to resort to inhumane swarm tactic which are a far greater cost to everyone and far more barabaric than firearms.


A REAL criminal is someone who violates the common law against an individual. Harm, loss, or damage against another's life, liberty, or property.


Depends what those laws are. If the law permits anyone to harm me or my property.


The problem is not guns. It's mental health, deteroration of family and community, addiction, and pruposelness. If these arn't fixed then murders will not be quelled.


50 years ago we had a less restricted population with firearms, and mass shootings were almost unheard of. What changed? The environment not the weapon availability in a more free sense.


In the recent Texas shooting, 120 police stood outside the school for an hour and a half and refused to stop the gunmen.


Do you know who did? An off duty police officer who got a call from his wife who was a staff member. He was having a haircut at the time. Borrowed thebarbers shotgun and stopped it himself.


NOT ONE OF THE 120 ON DUTY OFFICERS DID ANYTHING THAT DAY! Except arrest other good citizens that attempted to go in and stop the shooting themselves before it got to the point it did.


This is a fact.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I am getting nowhere with you, bye bye

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