"Right-Wing White Supremacist" is mad that she can't loot from armed store owners


n0val33t's picture
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I mean.... 1.20 and I had to tap out, that's my limit for stupid ass bitchery of the day. Clown world alright, no doubt!

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lawngnome's picture

Karens...   Sigh.

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GKhan's picture

She's awesome.

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AMWhy's picture

Is it not illegal to be on the phone while driving in the USA?  Damn, what sort of backward nation is that?

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stokkebye's picture

Just like when the Dindus get mad when someone kills a home intruder as they insist they were doin Nuffin but jogging.Hmmmm GIF by memecandy - Find & Share on GIPHY

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Dagambit's picture

LOL.. HOMO- cide

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