RT News And MH17

eh's picture

Russian MoD criticizes MH17 investigation for using social media, not witnesses

The Russian Defence Ministry criticises the latest findings from the air crash investigators looking into the MH17 tragedy in 2014 for relying on social media pictures instead of witness accounts. If you think Russian state news is going to admit that Putin's government took part in shooting down MH17 regardless of the evidence, you are crazy.

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lawngnome's picture

Their own citizens filmed the convoy and it was all pieced together from Google Earth and such. Kinda cool. 


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danmanjones's picture

What is the evidence that the convoy is connected to the downing of the plane?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

thats what i was thinking..how do the know that this particular 'baktilar' was the one that fired the missile?

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The Evil Bat's picture

If Russia spent more time/money in training their anti-air defence then on their media/propaganda, then maybe this wouldn't have happened at all.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

russia just posted this comment for me

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danmanjones's picture

If you think "Putin's government" did this based on the evidence presented to date, you are not "crazy", you just lack objectively.

It doesn't even pass the smell test of "Why would they do it?"

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Most likely a fuck up.

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah that's a possibility. Ukraine shooting it down by accident or deliberately in order to blame the separatists is a possiblity also. There are valid arguments for all 3 scenarios. Either Ukraine should not be part of the investigation team, or Russia should be involved. Otherwise this JIT investigation is pretty meaningless.

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