Russia Maddow's Latest Fear Porn


sato's picture

her expression is as if even she is having trouble seeing through all the bullshit she's spewing forth.

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skeptoid's picture

The first 437 times she did this I wasn't convinced, but this time...I dunno...I dunno....


I mean, we're only relying on their good graces, and unlike Rachel they aren't moral agents acting in the world so to rely on their good graces is extremely risky. We should bomb them - we should bomb all of them. It's really cold in the midwest right now - we need to bomb these people and kill them so they get angry and try to hurt us so we make better bombs to kill them better so they get angry and try to hur......................................................................................................................................

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Who connects this shit to the regular internet? why is this not being fixed? 

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sato's picture

it isn't connected to the regular internet. the russian agents would have to get inside and upload some kind of malware, which isn't entirely impossible, thus "they have that power now". also no doubt it's company policy to put statements like that in in case they need someone to blame some time.

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