Last night Buzzfeed ran a story that alleged Trump committed an impeachable offense.
CNN, MSNBC etc jumped on the BOMBSHELL bandwagon. Twitter went wild with calls to impeach the president & the outcry from members of congress was so loud that the Mueller team responded (something they rarely do):
— RegulatoryCreep (@DKWhitaker) January 19, 2019
The 2 Buzzfeed reporters, Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier, have made different statements about the supposed evidence. In an interview with CNN, Cormier admitted not having seen the evidence whereas Leopold told MSNBC that he has seen it.
(5 votes)
(Long Spike)
Trump made his accuser defend him, 4d chess confirmed
(Long Spike)
Switched your post to a Trumptard state media broadcast? Savvy.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
The post was a mess before, this is cleaner. The lawyer at the end makes a good point about why Mueller's team responded to the Buzzfeed article.
If you want some alternatives, here ya go...
(Old Spike)
Boy, I really wish everybody would shut the fuck up until the russia investigastion is over. They are all so desperate, IN THE US, it is unreal.
(Old Spike)
The walls continue to close in.
(Old Spike)
this is a turning point