seems odd, that port was taken weeks ago & doesn't have any Ukraine forces near it afaik.... may have been some kind of sabotage or possible accident. I just watched some other footage & there's lots of explosions. Something exploded near where the ammo was by the looks. Seems doubtful it could have been hit with a missile.
"Ukraine's demands for [starting WWIII] are yet to be met" ..funny that
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
looks like they scored a hit on another ship around the same time
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
It's a fish troller build into........ ffs what 8 apcs max? It's a fucking fishing boat!? Embarrassing!
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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danman (Site Administrator)
still looks like accident or sabotage, more likely the latter
ninja divers maybe
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
simeplest of the simple...... just a guy swimming with a explosives.... its happened to nato or us aswell
(Site Administrator)
seems odd, that port was taken weeks ago & doesn't have any Ukraine forces near it afaik.... may have been some kind of sabotage or possible accident. I just watched some other footage & there's lots of explosions. Something exploded near where the ammo was by the looks. Seems doubtful it could have been hit with a missile.
"Ukraine's demands for [starting WWIII] are yet to be met" ..funny that
(Old Spike)
looks like they scored a hit on another ship around the same time
(Old Spike)
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
It's a fish troller build into........ ffs what 8 apcs max? It's a fucking fishing boat!? Embarrassing!
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
still looks like accident or sabotage, more likely the latter
ninja divers maybe
(Old Spike)
simeplest of the simple...... just a guy swimming with a explosives.... its happened to nato or us aswell