When you get tired of the foolishness of these two wastes of space, skip to 8:00 to hear the dress-down from a man who lived in the USSR for 29 years, had friends sent to the gulag, was involved in Anti-Soviet activities to defeat communism and free his country, and who shows an enormous amount of patience while talking to these self-loving leftists.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
Grothesk, I did not know you were a smoker! Is that greasy haired cunt your sister?
(Long Spike)
This may have been a bit before you were ever on the site, but I took a vow that I'd do it every time someone proclaimed that someone in a video was me:
(Old Spike)
Your response, I don't get it, but whatever, I saw an opprotunuity and took. It isn't like I haven't been lampooned the same way in gun videos.
(Long Spike)
Long, long before you were on SpikedHumor.com or SpikedNation.com people didn't like me because I stated what was on my mind and I was a lot more present than I have been in the past few years. Because people didn't like me they would specifically look for ugly or fat people in videos and comment with "Grothesk spotted at 2:45". After a while it became so common that I would do it myself before anyone else could and I would respond exactly as I did above. It tickled me how the community back then thought they were somehow "getting" me by doing it, hence the, "GUYS, YEAH, WE GOT 'EM!" as though Biff just fell into some manure.
Now they're all gone and I persist. I guess they were the ones who were ultimatley got.
(Old Spike)
Because people didn't like me they would specifically look for ugly or fat people in videos and comment with "Grothesk spotted at 2:45".
Just to clarify, I didn't claim it was you in the video because of the guys looks or weight. I don't consider myself to be a Chris Pratt or Chris Hemsworth by any stretch. My assumption was based on the fact that the guy is promoting Communism.
Also, I don't dislike you because of your incorrect views. It's not your fault someone stuffed your head with horse shit and don't want to let it go. ;) I'm 99% certain that I could have that anti-gun nonsense knocked out after a few days at the range along with having you read The Federalist Papers and Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government. I've done it before.
(Long Spike)
I actually just went pheasant hunting this past Tuesday morning. I took 8 shots with my 20-gauge and missed 'em all, but I did rouse one up myself by accidentally walking onto it. I understand the power of guns and I've worked with the general public enough to know most of them are far too stupid and chaotic-minded to wield them properly.
I also harbor no overt ill-will towards you and I am glad that you and I will still be able to converse in a few months when Trump's pick for the FCC and all the Republicans kill net neutrality dead because SpikedNation.com is going to be fairly low on the list of sites that will immediately be affected.
(Old Spike)
I actually just went pheasant hunting this past Tuesday morning.
And? So you are a FUDD? What is that you ask? It is a "casual" gun owner; eg; a person who typically only owns guns for hunting or shotgun sports and does not truly believe in the true premise of the second amendment. These people also generally treat owners/users of so called "non sporting" firearms like handguns or semiautomatic rifles with unwarranted scorn or contempt.
I understand the power of guns and I've worked with the general public enough to know most of them are far too stupid and chaotic-minded to wield them properly.
So you are an elitist as well. I can't say that surprises me since it sort of plays hand in hand with being a FUDD. You think you're special, better than everyone else, more intellegent, more responsable etc. etc. It's a wonder you have any friends at all with that attitude toward your fellow citizen.
I understand the power of guns too. I too have worked with the general public enough to know the vast majority of people are good hearted and non-violent. I also know and have dealt first hand with the small number of people who would severly injury or even kill someone. Where your thinking fails is beliveing the absurd notion that banning good hearted non-violent people from owning firearms for defense will make the violent and dangerous ones less of a threat.
Consider the fact that the United States is far and away the #1 Nation in the world in guns per capita. If the population was as "stupid" and "chaotic-minded" as you claim, then how is that the homicide rate has actually declined over the past 30 years while the laws preventing people from carrying them in most States have been relaxed?
Have you ever considered that you're projecting?
As much as I hate what the FCC is doing in the greater scheme of things, Hillary would have been 1000% worse.
(Long Spike)
"So you are a FUDD?"
Yes, I'm no true Scotsman, or whatever you wish to paint me as. At the end of the day I'm an American citizen who owns guns, so wipe your bottom and see reality for what it is.
"So you are an elitist as well."
Is that what they call realists nowadays? Sure, I'm whatever label you wish to apply to me.
"Consider the fact that the United States is far and away the #1 Nation in the world in guns per capita. If the population was as "stupid" and "chaotic-minded" as you claim, then how is that the homicide rate has actually declined over the past 30 years while the laws preventing people from carrying them in most States have been relaxed?"
I'm happy to see that humans in one of the most prosperous nations on Earth will only murder each other a little bit rather than wholesale. I also notice that other first world nations have infinitely less gun deaths than us so there's always a better option. I do not actively nor politically pursue that option anymore because I see the overt power of the NRA and how deep gun culture has affected American culture. So you can scoop the poop out of your pants and sleep tight with Old Glockey tonight because my opinions upon the second amendment are irrelevant.
"As much as I hate what the FCC is doing in the greater scheme of things, Hillary would have been 1000% worse."
Oh, for certain in your made up fantasy scenario Hillary would be personally raping you and I with the barrels of our confiscated guns while we pay $199/week to gain access to SpikedNation.com on 56k speeds so we could lament that Trump never would have done this to us. Unfortunately for you, all we can view is reality and notice that this is Trump and his Republican corporate cocksucking cronies doing this so complaining about Hillary a year+ later in a fake scenario is pretty fucking dumb and cowardly, isn't it?
(Old Spike)
soviet union was Bolshevism. Communism has never been implemented properly ever. .just a fact not an opinion.
(Old Spike)
The "Not Real Communism" Fallacy
(Site Moderator)
Not sure, but has communism ever been implemented where the country was NOT under the rule of a somewhat psychotic dictator?
(Old Spike)
Fullauto I dont need to see Jordan Petersons view on it because its not a fallacy..Communism in its pure form has never been implemented..simple as that..im not saying thats a good or bad thing its just the truth and if you cant see that then you need to take off the blinkers.
(Long Spike)
I love how the woman will do anything to avoid eye contact with this guy.
(Long Spike)
Yeah....she's not at the picnic with a full lunch.
She couldn't even keep/make eye contact with the guy talking to her