Russia's probably pretty much fucked

daftcunt's picture

Predictions: Russia to FLEE Ukraine!

I forgot to add a working strategy and motivated fighters!


Today in the german press they said russian generals let their own soldiers be executed.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


n0val33t's picture
front page

Russia can mobilise ww2 style, then again..... it's not an invasion, so the motivation just inst there. 


"Today in the german press they said russian generals let their own soldiers be executed." Bit unclear here?



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

taking care of an injured soldier slows you down. so instead of doing that, they make the injured soldiers a dead soldier. is that clear?

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Not clear at all..... you know this how? FYI Russian soldiers captured = ukranian solider back...... makes no sense.







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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the german press, which means you'll also have an english press saying the same thing. a quick google search and you find stuff about russians slaughtering their own soldiers

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Had a drink, i can argue with a tree over nothing for hours, I mean trailer trash drunk...... I'm sure some officers have put quite a few soldiers in an early grave by executions on the Russian side. Might even be a widespread thing, no idea. Leaving people behind though, alot of that shit seems to happen.




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danman's picture

thunderfoot the military analyst


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

well, we will have towait and see how the outcome is going to be. 


My feeling is that you and your despicable likes will be rather disappointed.

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danman's picture

you seem emotionally invested in the outcome.

what if it's you & the science scam youtuber who are disappointed?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

ad hominem much?


" scam youtuber..." what are you on about?


I will be happy when it is over and the situation is stabilised. I would prefer that the aggressor is unsuccessful in their attempt to invade another country.

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danman's picture

> " and your despicable likes..."
> "ad hominem much?"

pick one


You do seem emotionally invested in the conflict. So does the science scam youtuber.

It's not ad hom to point it out & since both of you have effectively admitted it where is the probrem?

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jdt73's picture

Actualy dumfuk, you are so close to the taget you styill just dont get it,ee caynt tawlk aebout stuuf .

war end once ZMF

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Yup, Ukraine constantly replenished with NATO spec military equipment and weapons from top to bottom will be the ultimate undoing of russia aspirations to control any part of Ukraine's territory. This next phase will take more time, but russia has demonstrated to the world that their soldiers and tactics are pathetically outdated and their equipment...well, not even worth mentioning how inferior it is. Their arms industry is already sinking, with foreign goverments already cancelling orders for russian equiprment. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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