Which reminds me - I watched this up to the end of season 2 and then stopped when my health took a bad turn and I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I need to finish this series.
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hellyeah (Old Spike)
absolutely even afther all these years its fucking amazing...........
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bronobo (Long Spike)
i don't think a new golden age will be happening soon. it's just a baseline normality of a few good shows, and the rest being mediocre or bad. what makes me think this is that doctor who's recent season wasn't so good. the writing was so much worse than previous seasons, and there were random political or PC statements that didn't contribute to the story or even make sense. it sounds like the new trek series might suffer from similar issues.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
I can recommend "The Expanse" on Netflix(2 seasons).
And there's also The Man In The High Castle on Amazon's streaming service(2 seasons, based on Philip K Dick's book). But this book and show is about alternate history in the past. "What if the nazis won WW2?"
There's also Westworld on HBO.
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thegent (Old Spike)
the orville is good for what it is, i suspect the new star trek will not be great but i hope it is and dr who is crap..the brits cant do sci fi..comedy yes but the americans are best for sci fi..
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
oooohhhh and......................
(Old Spike)
Which reminds me - I watched this up to the end of season 2 and then stopped when my health took a bad turn and I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I need to finish this series.
(Old Spike)
absolutely even afther all these years its fucking amazing...........

(Long Spike)
i don't think a new golden age will be happening soon. it's just a baseline normality of a few good shows, and the rest being mediocre or bad. what makes me think this is that doctor who's recent season wasn't so good. the writing was so much worse than previous seasons, and there were random political or PC statements that didn't contribute to the story or even make sense. it sounds like the new trek series might suffer from similar issues.
(Old Spike)
I can recommend "The Expanse" on Netflix(2 seasons).
And there's also The Man In The High Castle on Amazon's streaming service(2 seasons, based on Philip K Dick's book). But this book and show is about alternate history in the past. "What if the nazis won WW2?"
There's also Westworld on HBO.
(Old Spike)
the orville is good for what it is, i suspect the new star trek will not be great but i hope it is and dr who is crap..the brits cant do sci fi..comedy yes but the americans are best for sci fi..