I still have a hard time wrapping my head around how someone could see Trump as persuasive, even more so with "intellectuals"....well, I guess I can see it, but how do you get passed his conman style of delivery and no be suspicious of every word he utters.
Was waiting for Adams to say at least one critical thing of Trump but he never did.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The only thing he is critical or positive about with regard to just about anyone is how persuasive they are. That's it. He doesn't actually take a moral position on pretty much anything unless he's forced to.
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
I still have a hard time wrapping my head around how someone could see Trump as persuasive, even more so with "intellectuals"....well, I guess I can see it, but how do you get passed his conman style of delivery and no be suspicious of every word he utters.
Was waiting for Adams to say at least one critical thing of Trump but he never did.
(Old Spike)
The only thing he is critical or positive about with regard to just about anyone is how persuasive they are. That's it. He doesn't actually take a moral position on pretty much anything unless he's forced to.
(Long Spike)
Trump is very persuasive...believe me.
(Old Spike)