And gets hammered in the ratings - Sal, again, watching Scott Adams could assist you with thinking better and thus forming more convincing arguments.
(6 votes)
And gets hammered in the ratings - Sal, again, watching Scott Adams could assist you with thinking better and thus forming more convincing arguments.
(sounds retarded)
Thanks for the post. Makes sense. I wish I had more time to listen to his stuff but I usually only get 10 min "breaks" during the day and his videos are like 1-2 hours long. This time I got 20 min! LOL. At night I get more time but he tends to put me to sleep!
(Old Spike)
It could be what it looks like or it could be something completely innocuous. Should it be followed up? Yes of course. But there's nothing in any of these GA videos that proves any conclusive claims. There's a lot of smoke and noise and I think I agree with Scott in that the conversation should end at the point where it's confirmed that poll watchers were bullied out of the counting places and then counting continued. That's all that matters. Everything counted from the point where poll watchers were ejected from the premises, in some cases in handcuffs, should be scrutinized or at the very least thrown out.
(Old Spike)
Disrupting poll watchers is cause enough.
For me, I am not pleased that these practices were enabled.
Organizers DO know that packages coming out in surprise does not look good or evidently clean.
Why weren't this cases in the open all day? Why are they under a table? At bare minimum it looks bad, and when people are telling me to give them the benefit of the doubt, it's just giving them more cause to get away with shit if they are doing something shady.
If I was in charge of organizing this I would put a memo out that no packages are to come or go until we are certified. If you forgot something too bad.
So the fact that this was condoned leads me to believe that they wanted an "escape" in case there was cheating.
If there were NO shipments, or packages coming or going of any kind, then that would pull a leg out from the arguement.
The practices over this election were tacky, unprofessional, and suspect.
(sounds retarded)
When the dems screeched Trump and Russia colluded to rig the 2016 election I said "well damn, maybe so, lets hear them out", YEARS later we find it was bunk, bullshit. But I waited and heard them out and gave them a chance to prove their case. Hell, I did not support Trump until all that shit was debunked and nothing came out of it. Then I got pissed they fucking lied. NOW that it is Trump making the claims, they want us to shut up and not ask anything. Nah, doesnt work that way. If there are problems and allegations then investigate.
(Long Spike)
Trump being the most powerful person in the free world did not want to give the US a polling system (during the 4 years that he had control) that HE wanted. He knew that he could cry foul and try to claim he won. A good manipulater but as a human being, a failure!
(Old Spike)
Because we clearly knew a virus would be here for 4 years in advance to cause extra scruetiny with the voting system.
You want tell us that Trump is stealing the presidency with NO EVIDENCE.
Your word is no better than anyone elses.
But who's word is better? Those testifying under oath with penalties if they lie.
What credibility do the pod people have that this election is as legit as any other? NONE! You have no skin in the game!
(Long Spike)
So Covid 19 is a Republican plot???
(Old Spike)
Where the fuck did you pull that from? What day are you on?
(Long Spike)
"Because we clearly knew a virus would be here for 4 years in advance"
That's where
(Old Spike)
It was sarcasm dripping with mockery.
(Old Spike)
idk man his comment was pretty clear to me, meaning "of course nobody could have forseen we'd have a pandemic in the future and thus it's ridiculous to claim that trump or anybody else should have known that and built an effective election system for that eventuality in advance ready to be used when the pandemic hit."
(Old Spike)
So what the democrats have done, if anything, was all part of Trump's elaborate plan now? Yeah, Daft Cunt is definitely related to you lol.
(Old Spike)
oops wrong spot.
(Old Spike)
I think was talking to BoldFart. If not I'll await correction.