Seriously, fuck this show

Timmy Tosser's picture

The Rings of Power is Historically BAD | Amazon is 'Patently Evil'

The most expensive series ever produced is nothing but wokeist rubbish. I stopped watching after epi 4, but i still like this guys videos. Skip to 11:40 for a good lol. 

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)


gardendaleguy's picture

as a huge fan of Tolkien's works, i can totally see the flaws and problems with this show (and the movies) but i love them seperately, the movies are not the books, and they are each fantastic in their own right, in my opinion. This show does truly suffer from a writing standpoint...i think the cast is pretty great, except for Galadriel, she looks and acts nothing like Kate Blanchet so its really hard to imagine how she would go from 'pissy warrior with an eternal grudge' to 'just smoked some hash, now im a radiant being of light with magic hair and can see the future) , I did somewhat enjoy the show though, albiet i was drunk...hell, im just happy to have Anything Lord of the Rings related at this point.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

You were drunk for 8 episodes?! That is impressive actually.

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gardendaleguy's picture

indeed i was!...but only did an episode every week, so....not that impressive. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the shows in the middle of second age. another 1500 years till the next age and 3000 years or so into that age before she meets up the hobbits. she's had a long time to chill. i liked the show. its extra lotr content about stuff that wasn't really fleshed out by tolkien and not many people are willing to dwelve into the unfinished tales. its a show thats going to go on for years, with probably spin offs. you got to see the creation of modor and a bit of backstory to the origins of orcs. its great

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