i was thinking about these guys yesterday. they'll go up and down the mountain a dozen times carrying hundreds of pounds to help a few people get to top. say you were a rich asshole climbing to the top and you realized you forgot your camera. so you ask a sherpa to spend the next 12 hours going down to camp to get it. he says fuck no. what derogatory term would you call him. i'm thinking mountain monkey. also, over the years, i'm sure they've killed a climber or two
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
If you need a servant (in the sense of "carry my shit") rather than a guide to climb then you don't have reason to brag about your "achievement".
I read somewhere feces have become a problem so they want climbers now to bring their shit back in bags from the mountain.
(Short Spike)
The best is all the vids of tech bros reaching the top like it was nothing, not even mentioning that a Sherpa was the entire reason they were there, and then they leave without tipping them anything. Some really good docs on Youtube following their lives and it's ridiculous. Carrying nearly 80kilos in three overstacked backpacks to the next camp in the early morning, to set up camp so the hikers can make it up there and get a fresh coffee and croissant while the Sherpas head back down to make two more trips.