When GHW Bush made his infamous "New World Order" speech he was talking about the unilateral world order where the US is the sole superpower. The US NatSec establishment crafted it into policy whereby the US will not tolerate any potential peer rivals getting close to them in any domain.
I'm 98% convinced Alex Jones has taken direct input from CIA & others to know where his lines are & his general MO is to make money with distraction & misdirection for curious people, using the 1990s 'guns, gold & bibles' right wing radio as a springboard.... he also set the template for a lot of alt-media trolls that have come after him with his feined outrage schtick.
Jones act like "New World Order" is some external thing coming to get the American state rather than the Western ruling class using countries & outfits like CIA to prop up said order, as the reality is. He flips shit on its head. If he was legit against the ruling class & was all about the working man as he pretends to be he would have endorsed the Occupy movement instead of calling it a communist conspiracy. He's part of the problem he pretends to be fighting, especially in terms of the partisan divide.
(Site Administrator)
When GHW Bush made his infamous "New World Order" speech he was talking about the unilateral world order where the US is the sole superpower. The US NatSec establishment crafted it into policy whereby the US will not tolerate any potential peer rivals getting close to them in any domain.
I'm 98% convinced Alex Jones has taken direct input from CIA & others to know where his lines are & his general MO is to make money with distraction & misdirection for curious people, using the 1990s 'guns, gold & bibles' right wing radio as a springboard.... he also set the template for a lot of alt-media trolls that have come after him with his feined outrage schtick.
Jones act like "New World Order" is some external thing coming to get the American state rather than the Western ruling class using countries & outfits like CIA to prop up said order, as the reality is. He flips shit on its head. If he was legit against the ruling class & was all about the working man as he pretends to be he would have endorsed the Occupy movement instead of calling it a communist conspiracy. He's part of the problem he pretends to be fighting, especially in terms of the partisan divide.
(Old Spike)
I must say that infowars studio looks great