During Trump's first six months in office, Trump showed many signs of dementia. It has just become worse. His supporters will tell you he is the greatest president in history or fire back with "...but Hillary and Obama you libtards" in an effort to deflect from Trump's inept handling of the office of president, his Twitter skills which are at 3rd grade girl-level, his continuous lying, warped ego, his narcissistic personality disorder, and the embarrassment he brings to himself and this country. It's old. Step up and at least admit he's a buffoon and a liar. I hated Hillary and truly believe the last election was the worst choice ever offered. I'm definitely conservative and a lifelong Republican but I would never become a Trump supporter with the character of the man and the shitshow he has brought.
Oh and this after my brother just told everyone in the family that the tax plan Trump is pushing will save us millions over the first 3 years. If I was in the bottom 95% of the country economically, I would be pissed off a lot more.
The lies just get bigger, more fantastic, and his pathological lying becomes more regular as time goes by.
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
(Site Administrator)
(Long Spike)
LOL The Twitter President has morphed into the Re-Tweet President.
(Site Moderator)
He just doesn't know when to quit.
(Site Administrator)
I think this was a step too far and may begin his undoing.
(Short Spike)
Most of these are a sign of stupidity and not dementia ;)
(Short Spike)
omg dude.... get over it.
He won, not to mention the economy is performing wonderfully, with a very optimistic future.
Your hate, doesnt change it that.
(Long Spike)
Agreed. There's really no reason to worry about the mindset of the the oldest person to ever become President and their multiple signs of failing mental capacity. It very much seems to me that your hate, doesnt change it that, you know?
(Short Spike)
Thats not it at all....
You and this Eh guy... all you ever do is bitch and complain about trump.
Your hate wont change that he is president. Fking get over it.
I will admit its entertaining... but its tired... and played out...
All of your bitching wont change that he is actually doing well for our nation. As i stated, look to the economy, look at consumer confidence...
Like i said, its entertaining to watch triggered libs heads explode, but you are doing absolutely nothing. Nothing for your cause or the nation. You are just bitching :D
(Short Spike)
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
(Short Spike)
You misunderstand.... i am not saying there should be no criticism.... there is a difference when thats all you bring to the table.
Just bitching.... nothing more
(Site Moderator)
Think of it more as a public service announcement to all those that do nothing but praise Trump. Maybe someday it will sink in that he is an old senile man.
(Short Spike)
so youre bitching that they are bitching about an elected officials ineptitude? what exactly have you brought to the table besides bring up that he won the worst shitshow since the last one? winning something doesnt mean shit, look at obama and the nobel prize.. winning doesnt mean it was deserved or good for anyone. especially when the democrats hand you the election offering up the candidate they did(under nefarious means).
(Short Spike)
Ya im bitching. Ive been coming to this site for years, since Humor... I do comment, not often.
Im bitching that all this guy (and a few others) do on this site is bitch about Trump (since the election cycle anyways). Grasping at any straw they can find, no matter how pathetic the argument is. At least my statement here... isn't obsurd.
He won, and these guys are salty about it.... WE GET IT.
(Long Spike)
HELLOOOOO, ANYBODY HOME? Yeah, the election is over. He won. That's no issue. Trump keeps bringing up Hillary and Obama A YEAR AFTER THE ELECTION ENDED. It's about Trump as president. He's an embarrassment. Period. Skip the "He won", "...but Hillary", and whataboutism that Trumptard Nation pushes. It's old and doesn't do anything for anyone but themselves. At least admit Trumps lying, bizarre statements, juvenile Twitter rants, dementia, etc are embarrassingly unpresidential.
(Short Spike)
Look, I recognize the circle jerk that occurs here on a regular basis. I normally choose not to say anything. Its obvious contrary opinions are not welcomed here. You dont know me, my opinions on anything other than this, and you have already lumped me into some group. I do feel how I do about what has been said, after all I made a statement nothing further.
Its obvious that no amount of our back and forths will change each others view. I've read your other back and forths on here before, especially since I dont specialize in personal attacks... you guys are brutal too each other... I simply was giving an outside view, kinda?
(Long Spike)
"all this guy (and a few others) do on this site is bitch about Trump..."
Are you talking about the many people in here who discuss multitudes of differing topics?
(Short Spike)
no. I wouldnt come to the site, if I didnt enjoy its content. SOME things.... get old. Just pointing that out.
(Site Administrator)
Its Trump who hasn't allowed us to stfu. I think I speak for most of us when I say we welcome the idea of being silenced but he is too much of a shit starter to let us chill.
We have lots to be concerned about when it comes to Trump. Why should we stop bitching when he gives us plenty to bitch about literally every day?
(Short Spike)
I'll agree to that. What about the things like.... Stock market hits how many records in how many days? ... er something to that effect, at least once in a while. Maybe you dont even have to attribute it to Trump. You know as well as I do, that he enjoys creating the news. good or bad. He's feeding off this stuff, and they just keep giving it. You should stop becuase is not working. If what you want is to achieve your goal... this aint it. He has not been dented in any way, would you agree that he may even be thriving off of it? Thats my logic anyway, I could be wrong.
(Long Spike)
So, as you also alluded to above, you're advocating that we don't criticize the President. I know you don't *see* that you're stating that we shouldn't criticize the President, but you are specifically telling us to remain silent when you say "You should stop becuase is not working."
I'm going to criticize the President because that is my right. You have a right to bitch about my complaining as well, but don't try to silence me.
(Short Spike)
why ya gotta change my words? Infact i already said, i am not saying there should be no criticism... and you should stop (bitching) becuase its not working.... my bad that i had to clear that up...
Im not trying to silence you, im trying to remind you of a bed time story, the boy that cried wolf
(Long Spike)
"Working"? You must have a mighty high opinion of your own bitching if you think it changes anything in the world. I'm bitching because I *can*; and you should remember that people *did* bitch during Obama's 8 years...and people bitched during Bush's 8 years...and Clinton's and on and on and on.
You're upset about basic human behavior. People talk about shit going on...humans are the only species of animal that do that. You're just gonna have to suck it up, friend.
(Short Spike)
Indeed. You seem to have taken it personally and want change my words to fit your argument. Have fun with that. Nobody threatened you or tried to silence anyone. Id suggest a comprehension study.
(Short Spike)
Shit.. i apologize, i shouldnt have added that at the end. I joined the group i guess...
(Long Spike)
Welcome to the party, pal.
(Site Administrator)
Saying 7/11 instead of 9/11 is hiarious.
(Long Spike)
7-11, always open baby! Seriously though, he's having old man moments constantly and being a pathological liar and having a grandiose opinion of himself makes for great comedy though it's embarrassing as hell for this country.
(Site Administrator)