Sinclair Network Trumptardism

eh's picture

Bottom Line With Boris - US Immigration Is Broken

Actually pretty impressive. Boris Epshteyn is the Chief Political Analyst for Sinclair Broadcast Group. The Sinclair Broadcasting Group — the pro-Trump media conglomerate — is taking over local television. And it’s now using its reach to spread a counternarrative that the media and liberals are playing up the heartbreaking consequences of separating immigrant families at the border. Sinclair regularly forces its 193 local stations to air a segment by former Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn. His most recent segment (flagged by Media Matters) took on the family separation crisis on the border that has dominated the news for several days.


The crisis was sparked by the Trump administration’s recent decisions to jail asylum-seeking parents for illegally crossing the border, which led to their children being separated into large cages in detention centers. (Things are looking up though, military bases will be used to house them-though I pity them if they go to some of the unused space at the military bases I was at in Texas.


Epshteyn, using his Sinclair-sponsored platform, says such stories may just be the work of anti-Trump liberals. Epshteyn then applauds Trump for stopping family separation with an executive order — “President Trump has correctly decided to step in and sign an executive order that will stop the separation of children from their families at the border” — without mentioning that it was Trump who implemented the policy in the first place.


The gaslighting by Sinclair is epic, pushing the "There is someone behind the curtain and the horrific stories you are watching aren't real-what's real is anyone who isn't Trumptard Nation is manufacturing this to hurt our dear leader" story. The owner of a group of car dealerships-a hard core Republican amigo-called it when he called it "Trump Network but definitely not my Republican network."


Sinclair currently owns 193 stations, which reach 39 percent of US viewers. It might soon reach 72 percent of Americans if its purchase of Tribune Media goes through.


Brings back the promo Sinclair aired in March in which they pushed that all news not from them was fake news and shouldn't be trusted-parroting the Trump doctrine.

Average: 3.2 (17 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Trump admin didn't introduce the policy of separating children from the adults who smuggle them. They implemented a "zero-tolerance" policy to close a loophole that was being abused.

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Fullauto223cal's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

Really, Trump has Sinclair?


Well I guess one group had to favor him, after all the leftist Democrats have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Google/YouTube, Netflix, Disney, Comedy Central, Columbia, MGM, Viacom.


My god, if we don't do something now Trump is going to dominate everything and repeal the first amendment.


There's been a war going on in the media for quite some time.  The media was unchallenged in their war-making on anyone to the right of Marx for decades.  Every time a main-stream conservative came on the scene they published anything that would slander and malign that person, truth be damned.


Then came Trump, who for his entire life hid among them in plain sight.  He understood their methods and tactics.  And when he finally ran for office he was ready for them.  He didn't roll over and play nice like every other humble conservative.  He hit back and revealed the leftist media as the paper tigers they always were.  He calls their bullshit and the American people fucking love it.

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eh's picture

LOLOLOL That was a hilarious ball washing of Trump you wrote. You really love your dear leader obviously. Try to keep it PG. The reality of the situation went over your head as expected. I know facts about the media circus of Trumptard Nation incites Spiked Trumptard Nation into a regular circle jerk of love for their emperor but you really outdid yourself. I'm sure you rival InsHannity's skills with his orange tool.

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Fullauto223cal's picture


You and you fellow lefties gonna give us some more crocodile tears?  You gonna pretend to choke up like Rachel Madcow to try and convince everyone you give a flying fuck about illigal alien kids being sent to a day camp why their criminal parents are processed through the system?



Someone call a fucking WAMBULANCE!!!!  We gotta cry baby over here who really wants everyone to know he cares so much about the little Mexican kids being trafficed across the border in the dead of night by god know who because as the left is fond of pointing out, they are "undocumented".


Rep. Nancy Pelosi traveled to a detention facility in Brownsville, Texas which was overwhelmed with child migrants. After visiting the center, Pelosi gave a press conference in which she described what she’d just seen as “dazzling – a sparkling array of God’s children, worthy of respect.”


During a Q&A that followed, Pelosi was asked whether the humanitarian crisis was being “politicized.” “Well, I hope that while some may have tried to politicize it, I hope that was not the case,” Pelosi said. Responding to a question about border security, Pelosi added, “I’m not going to take any bait on what one partisan said or the other.” “Why don’t we just put all that aside and talk about what we’re going to do to help these children and families,” she said.

“So again, people will say this and that,” Pelosi said. “The fact is, the reality is: the children are there and we need to address the problem.  It breaks your heart to waste one ounce of energy on anything other than just addressing the problem.”


The message back then was that this shouldn’t be politicized. She literally couldn’t stand the idea of wasting one ounce of energy on politics. What mattered was to deal with the problem at hand.


That was 2014.  Mrs. Nancy had to play defense for her guy.

Now it's 2014.  Nothing has changed except now "literally Hitler" is in office and the left has found a issue to fake cry about to distract from the OIG report about Clinton's criminal acts and the FBI coverup.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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eh's picture

LOLOLOL Yeah, I'm mad but you're having Trumptard conniptions, using your incredible grasp of the best words and posting multiple comments. You're a triggered Trumptard right now. YYYYYUUUUUGE!


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skeptoid's picture

You're not going to object to the fact that he called you a lefty? Shouldn't you defend your RINO pride, or are you dropping the pretense?

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eh's picture

Arguing with Trumptards to establish the fact that there is a massive difference between a Republican and a Trump supporter is a waste of time. Trumptards call anyone who doesn't suck off Trump like they do a "Libtard", a "RINO", or some other made up term. I dropped arguing with Trumptards over their bizarre thinking that anyone not in their Trumptard Nation cult is a a leftist a long time ago. Real Republicans will be there to pick up the pieces.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I have never, not once, called you a "libtard" or a "RINO".  I use the term "leftist" because that term encompasses a category political positions that are basically Marxist in origin and antithetical to liberty.


You can call yourself a Republican if you like, that's just a party name.  I don't care what party you belong to, I care about your ideas.


You don't seem to like discussing ideas.  You seem to enjoy doing nothing but venting your anger over [insert latest contrived bullshit leftist are crying about today].


Arguing with Trumptards to establish the fact that there is a massive difference between a Republican and a Trump supporter is a waste of time.


I agree, it is a waste of time.  Not because there is a difference but because it's irrelevant.  Like it or not, Trump and those who support his policies have taken over the party now.  The people you love to hate and bitch finally had enough of spineless fucks like McCain and Mitt Romney trying to take the "middle road" to avoid and backlash from the radical left.  Trump doesn't a flying shit about bitch made leftist losers crying about what SJW issue is on the agenda this week.  Trump says what he thinks and does what he says.


So have fun calling yourself a "real Republican".  You going to end up like Glenn Beck and the rest of the "real Republican" who would have rather seen Hillary FUCKING Clinton get elected in order to maintain the status quo of the establishment fucks.

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eh's picture

I don't read your long-winded bullshit but I read the first line and thought I might help raise your IQ a point from 60 to 61. Try to follow. I replied to a comment which addressed me as a "RINO." Get it dumbfuck? Go out to the shooting range with the rest of your inbred friends and have a shootout with each other. It will make this a more intelligent country.

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skeptoid's picture

Why do your leftist posts rocket to the front page and then plummet dramatically once they get there?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I know, right.  "Real republican" my freckled white ass.

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eh's picture

I have to admit, it's been a tough ride as a Republican but we're coming back.

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eh's picture
When you and the rest of Trumptard Nation wakes up, you will feel just like the morons who were suckered into paying Trump to "Learn from the best" at Trump University.
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eh's picture

Keep your thoughts about your love of men's asses to yourself.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

More homophobic remarks.  I guess that's the "real Republican" coming out in you.

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borgpunx's picture


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acdc51502112's picture

Lol a bunch of media people read a so powerful.....NEEEXT

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