Sins of Our Saviour

sal9000's picture

Sins of Our Savior: The Story of Jesus Christ (2017) [Documentary] [CC]

its a psychoanalyzation of  " the biblical account of Jesus Christs life, focusing on his hopes, dreams, and motivations". with badly drawn caricatures and adlib. comes off as a joke

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Why do so many americans still take that bible stuff seriously?

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boldfart's picture

Just think how suipid and gullible the average person is, then remember half the people in the worls are more stupid and gillible than that!

There is your answer.

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BabyDuckling's picture

Even worse is when they want to replace scientific education in school , notibly the theory of evolution, with bible scripture.

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