...whilst the nations intellectual elite guards the premises...
...and their future genius offspring calls calmly for remaining reasonable.....
If it weren't for the beer gut proud dad would look like a perfect islamistic terrorist if you ask me... But that's probably racist.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
The gun is way too fancy & he has tattoos. Besides the unkept beard he has nothing in common with a Muslim. And what is an "Islamic terrorist" and how do you know what one looks like?
Someone's been watching a bit much American TV If you ask me.
(Old Spike)
I don't watch any american TV (at least not the news, fake or real)
(Old Spike)
That guy's a fake jihadi from Germany
(Old Spike)
Why fake? because he is german?
(Old Spike)
He left ISIS after 3 months because it was too violent for him & then he ratted them out.
(Old Spike)
Ah, that was him.