unfortunately that sounds way too plausible! In less than a month we will miss this kind of comedy.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Both of you are so mad lol.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
mad at? i didnt watch the video, i'm guessing the crossdressing, holocaust denier is griping about nothing since trump signed. probably another example of motivated reasoning
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Watch it for yourself. Then you can make fun of Trump better.
Here is his official statement. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-from-the-president-122720/
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
does the video or the link mention that the supreme court already considered impoundment/line item veto to be unconstitutional?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It mentions Nixon tried to use it improperly during his presidency. Is that the ruling you are referring to?
Edit. Yup. You are referring to the 1975 ruling. The mainstay of that ruling is, "It is unconstitutional under these circumstances."
So, if this is unconstitutional, it will get overturned.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
nixon lost the power for every other president to come, each one trying to get that power back. clinton got it back in 1996 but the supreme court shut it down.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Lol, if that was true it would have been amended out.
I am pleased to see that he duped you so bad you will underestimate him in the face of the truth. Well done.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
thats the difference between you and i, i know what i'm talking about
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You don't have to validate yourself to me.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
this isn't about gaining your validation, i don't hold you in high esteem. this about making you synonymous with defeat
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
At best we agree to disagree.
You Believe Life is More valueable than freedom.
I believe Freedom is more valueable than life. You're just going to have to live with that.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Sal you deliberately avoid readily available information so as to specifically avoid knowing what you're talking about. You've admitted this by implication.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i''m not insulted by that at all. if the readily available information was correct, that would be one thing. but the stuff you guys put up is often wrong. its like you're mad cause i don't chase the rabbit down the hole
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You think there's a rabbit and a hole in the same way a fundie thinks the devil buried the dinosaur bones in the ground to test their faith. If you are so suggestible and agreeable that you can't evaluate information independently then I suppose you should get your opinions from another person. What choice do you have? But you're not like that, are you sal? Watcht the first 20 min of this - does it seem like a rabbit hole to you?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i made it about 10 minutes. where he has a problem with a sentence. this sentence
"President Trump continued his assault on election integrity, baselessly claiming the presidential results and the Senate runoffs in Georgia were both invalid" and thinks this is a better one "trump continues to push every legal means to challenge a result that evidence he believes looks solid, says that it was fraudulant" and the article refferences this tweet from trump
"Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive changes made to the voting process, rules and regulations, many made hastily before the election, and therefore the whole State Election is not legal or Constitutional. Additionally, the Georgia Consent Decree is Unconstitutional & the State 2020 Presidential Electionis therefore both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections. In Wisconsin, Voters not asking for applications invalidates the Election. All of this without even discussing the millions of fraudulent votes that were cast or altered!"
scott adams is a dealer, his drug is hopium. he talks about trump as the great persuader when he's not, its his audience thats just dumb. he's a billionaire who wont show his taxes, a genius that wont show his grades, a great businessman who bankrupts a casino. reminds me of when i was kid and i liked to watch magicians. cause to me at the time. it was magic. well, as an adult, if i still thought it was magic, i think i would vote for trump
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Scott also describes Obama as the great persuader. I never thought magic was real when I was a kid. I think you are much more suggestible and agreeable than you realize, and that's a shame. I asked you to watch 20 min, and as I expected when Scott made a claim that engaged your rational mind it triggered dissonance. Following your logic, Obama supporters are just dumb. I don't think Obama supporters are just dumb, but I do understand how they've been persuaded. I think if I keep pegging away at you, you will eventually grasp what people like Scott and I are trying to get you to understand. See if you can make it all the way to 20 min next time - your palms won't get hairy I promise you.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i was a kid at one time and i believed in bullshit, you're an adult and you believe in bullshit. think it wasn't too long ago you used to post stuff from suscpicous0bvserver. pretty sure you've also said something years ago about why you tend to lean into the kind of stuff. anyhow. compare what we've been putting up for the past months. one of us posts stuff that happened in reality. the other, well stuff that could happen in a different reality.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What is it about suspicious observers that you think is bullshit? I said that I'm not afraid to have one leg dangling into the unknown and don't behave as though all that can be known has been known and restrict myself to whatever that happens to be at any particular moment. I understand why others do that to feel safe or to be accepted within whatever social sphere they belong to. It's a coping mechanism. You think Scott Adams is a bullshitter peddling hope. You can only see the issue in terms of whether someone is on Trump's side or not on Trump's side. How is Scott peddling hope when he's telling his subscribers that Trump has no chance at this point of taking a second term? How is Scott peddling hope when he tells his subscribers and whoever else is viewing that the great reset is a baseless conspiracy theory? You've been told that Scott Adams is someone who makes up BS arguments to give hope to Trump supporters. I watch Scott Adams. He regularly frustrates and mocks Trump supporters when they fall for manipulations and believe things that aren't true. But you only watch one stream of content representing one perception of reality within a polarized binary. You make the same mistake with Tim Poole and my guess is you probably make the same mistake with IDW personalities like Brett and Heather Weinstein or Douglas Murray. As long as you refuse to clear your mind and watch this content free of influence from the polarized stream of thought you restrict yourself to you will continue to be wrong about most of what you say about Scott Adams or Tim pool or suspicious observers or Richard Dolan or anyone who stands outside of what you perceive as the mainstream. You see the known in terms of an explanation by materialist science and the unknown in terms of credible and bullshit. Do you understand that this means that you are subscribed to an ideology? The known and the unknown in terms are just that. And Ben Davidson is a expert on solar science although he is not a solar scientist himself. He is well respected within that community and he simply tracks the latest scientific data we have on the phenomenon of space weather with a particular focus on the sun. Why is that b******* to you?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
dude, you're a shit cake because you were made with shit ingredients. your not dangling your leg out, they're dangling their leg out hoping for people like you to grab hold. in that IDW, you got a couple of anti gays. a few anti islams, a few that do videos for prageru, a bunch of them lean on pseudoscience. another is a atheist but considers himself a christian atheist that thinks that those who flee to a country should return once the issues are over, and take with them any kids, grand/greatgrand kids with them. a few more are climate deniers. if you spent a tenth of the time looking into these people, you'd get somewhat of an understanding of what i see.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"that thinks that those who flee to a country should return once the issues are over, and take with them any kids, grand/greatgrand kids with them"
What's wrong with that? We arn't obligated to make every refugee we GENEROUSLY take in a citizen.
We arn't even obligated to take refugees. The closest country not in distress is. We are doing far more than we have to because we are kind.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
in the americas, north and south. if your are born in a country, you get citizenship no matter where you're parents are from. europe has restrictions but it ends up being the same. if someones been transplanted for a few generations and their offsprings are citizens, it seems nonsensical to upend families that have probably at that point, intergrated into life.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
We could choose not to accept them at all. And most conflicts don't last generations. I'm in favor of accepting women, children, and elderly/disabled.
Men of fighting age should stay and fight. That will also cut down on the amount families started here.
When the conflicts done, everyone goes back unless you have an education or skill set that generates money.
Not adding their grandparents to an already over burdened social security.
Having kids is a choice, and I'm not going to be held hostage by irresponsible choices like that, nor exploited through loop holes in the citizenship system. The only way to enforce that boundary is a firm no.
Definitely not granting waves of foreign votes at a time either. That's a national security risk and abusive politcal tool, that suppresses politcal opposition. You want citizenship go through the proper steps. If you don't qualify, there are reasons we have qualifications to begin with.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
how long has the war in iraq/afghan been going on? if the men wanted to stay and fight. do they they start shooting down american airplanes? you know that you only get what you paid in for social security? i don't think you know very much
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
We shouldn't have gone to war to begin with. But we did. Since we gave up on the nation building the war was over awhile ago.
Hosting people is not free nor our responsibility. We saved their lives, since when is that not enough? And if that is not enough nothing will be enough.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
boy, that comment changed in the last half hour. i think i preffer the first draft
"how long has the war in iraq/afghan been going on?" Depends which lens you look at it from.
Some could say it was over when Sadaam was executed. Others would say that once the nation building project is complete.
It's clear we gave up on the nation building. So the war has been over for awhile.
"if the men wanted to stay and fight. do they they start shooting down american airplanes?" That's their problem, and their responsibility to manage their politics.
"you know that you only get what you paid in for social security?" There are programs, that they will get that will cost money. Meant to keep them from starving. You know I meant but you are petty, or stupid. And no, I'm not paying for that forever.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Maybe you should be more patient.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You're right I already miss the entertainment like mad!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
told ya it wouldn't be long......
(Old Spike)
Thank the children for us, will you Daft Cunt?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
unfortunately that sounds way too plausible! In less than a month we will miss this kind of comedy.....
(Old Spike)
Both of you are so mad lol.
(Old Spike)
mad at? i didnt watch the video, i'm guessing the crossdressing, holocaust denier is griping about nothing since trump signed. probably another example of motivated reasoning
(Old Spike)
Watch it for yourself. Then you can make fun of Trump better.
Here is his official statement. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-from-the-president-122720/
(Old Spike)
does the video or the link mention that the supreme court already considered impoundment/line item veto to be unconstitutional?
(Old Spike)
It mentions Nixon tried to use it improperly during his presidency. Is that the ruling you are referring to?
Edit. Yup. You are referring to the 1975 ruling. The mainstay of that ruling is, "It is unconstitutional under these circumstances."
So, if this is unconstitutional, it will get overturned.
(Old Spike)
nixon lost the power for every other president to come, each one trying to get that power back. clinton got it back in 1996 but the supreme court shut it down.
(Old Spike)
Lol, if that was true it would have been amended out.
I am pleased to see that he duped you so bad you will underestimate him in the face of the truth. Well done.
(Old Spike)
thats the difference between you and i, i know what i'm talking about
(Old Spike)
You don't have to validate yourself to me.
(Old Spike)
this isn't about gaining your validation, i don't hold you in high esteem. this about making you synonymous with defeat
(Old Spike)
At best we agree to disagree.
You Believe Life is More valueable than freedom.
I believe Freedom is more valueable than life. You're just going to have to live with that.
(Old Spike)
Sal you deliberately avoid readily available information so as to specifically avoid knowing what you're talking about. You've admitted this by implication.
(Old Spike)
i''m not insulted by that at all. if the readily available information was correct, that would be one thing. but the stuff you guys put up is often wrong. its like you're mad cause i don't chase the rabbit down the hole
(Old Spike)
You think there's a rabbit and a hole in the same way a fundie thinks the devil buried the dinosaur bones in the ground to test their faith. If you are so suggestible and agreeable that you can't evaluate information independently then I suppose you should get your opinions from another person. What choice do you have? But you're not like that, are you sal? Watcht the first 20 min of this - does it seem like a rabbit hole to you?
(Old Spike)
i made it about 10 minutes. where he has a problem with a sentence. this sentence
"President Trump continued his assault on election integrity, baselessly claiming the presidential results and the Senate runoffs in Georgia were both invalid" and thinks this is a better one "trump continues to push every legal means to challenge a result that evidence he believes looks solid, says that it was fraudulant" and the article refferences this tweet from trump
"Before even discussing the massive corruption which took place in the 2020 Election, which gives us far more votes than is necessary to win all of the Swing States (only need three), it must be noted that the State Legislatures were not in any way responsible for the massive changes made to the voting process, rules and regulations, many made hastily before the election, and therefore the whole State Election is not legal or Constitutional. Additionally, the Georgia Consent Decree is Unconstitutional & the State 2020 Presidential Election is therefore both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections. In Wisconsin, Voters not asking for applications invalidates the Election. All of this without even discussing the millions of fraudulent votes that were cast or altered!"
scott adams is a dealer, his drug is hopium. he talks about trump as the great persuader when he's not, its his audience thats just dumb. he's a billionaire who wont show his taxes, a genius that wont show his grades, a great businessman who bankrupts a casino. reminds me of when i was kid and i liked to watch magicians. cause to me at the time. it was magic. well, as an adult, if i still thought it was magic, i think i would vote for trump
(Old Spike)
Scott also describes Obama as the great persuader. I never thought magic was real when I was a kid. I think you are much more suggestible and agreeable than you realize, and that's a shame. I asked you to watch 20 min, and as I expected when Scott made a claim that engaged your rational mind it triggered dissonance. Following your logic, Obama supporters are just dumb. I don't think Obama supporters are just dumb, but I do understand how they've been persuaded. I think if I keep pegging away at you, you will eventually grasp what people like Scott and I are trying to get you to understand. See if you can make it all the way to 20 min next time - your palms won't get hairy I promise you.
(Old Spike)
i was a kid at one time and i believed in bullshit, you're an adult and you believe in bullshit. think it wasn't too long ago you used to post stuff from suscpicous0bvserver. pretty sure you've also said something years ago about why you tend to lean into the kind of stuff. anyhow. compare what we've been putting up for the past months. one of us posts stuff that happened in reality. the other, well stuff that could happen in a different reality.
(Old Spike)
What is it about suspicious observers that you think is bullshit? I said that I'm not afraid to have one leg dangling into the unknown and don't behave as though all that can be known has been known and restrict myself to whatever that happens to be at any particular moment. I understand why others do that to feel safe or to be accepted within whatever social sphere they belong to. It's a coping mechanism. You think Scott Adams is a bullshitter peddling hope. You can only see the issue in terms of whether someone is on Trump's side or not on Trump's side. How is Scott peddling hope when he's telling his subscribers that Trump has no chance at this point of taking a second term? How is Scott peddling hope when he tells his subscribers and whoever else is viewing that the great reset is a baseless conspiracy theory? You've been told that Scott Adams is someone who makes up BS arguments to give hope to Trump supporters. I watch Scott Adams. He regularly frustrates and mocks Trump supporters when they fall for manipulations and believe things that aren't true. But you only watch one stream of content representing one perception of reality within a polarized binary. You make the same mistake with Tim Poole and my guess is you probably make the same mistake with IDW personalities like Brett and Heather Weinstein or Douglas Murray. As long as you refuse to clear your mind and watch this content free of influence from the polarized stream of thought you restrict yourself to you will continue to be wrong about most of what you say about Scott Adams or Tim pool or suspicious observers or Richard Dolan or anyone who stands outside of what you perceive as the mainstream. You see the known in terms of an explanation by materialist science and the unknown in terms of credible and bullshit. Do you understand that this means that you are subscribed to an ideology? The known and the unknown in terms are just that. And Ben Davidson is a expert on solar science although he is not a solar scientist himself. He is well respected within that community and he simply tracks the latest scientific data we have on the phenomenon of space weather with a particular focus on the sun. Why is that b******* to you?
(Old Spike)
dude, you're a shit cake because you were made with shit ingredients. your not dangling your leg out, they're dangling their leg out hoping for people like you to grab hold. in that IDW, you got a couple of anti gays. a few anti islams, a few that do videos for prageru, a bunch of them lean on pseudoscience. another is a atheist but considers himself a christian atheist that thinks that those who flee to a country should return once the issues are over, and take with them any kids, grand/greatgrand kids with them. a few more are climate deniers. if you spent a tenth of the time looking into these people, you'd get somewhat of an understanding of what i see.
(Old Spike)
"that thinks that those who flee to a country should return once the issues are over, and take with them any kids, grand/greatgrand kids with them"
What's wrong with that? We arn't obligated to make every refugee we GENEROUSLY take in a citizen.
We arn't even obligated to take refugees. The closest country not in distress is. We are doing far more than we have to because we are kind.
(Old Spike)
in the americas, north and south. if your are born in a country, you get citizenship no matter where you're parents are from. europe has restrictions but it ends up being the same. if someones been transplanted for a few generations and their offsprings are citizens, it seems nonsensical to upend families that have probably at that point, intergrated into life.
(Old Spike)
We could choose not to accept them at all. And most conflicts don't last generations. I'm in favor of accepting women, children, and elderly/disabled.
Men of fighting age should stay and fight. That will also cut down on the amount families started here.
When the conflicts done, everyone goes back unless you have an education or skill set that generates money.
Not adding their grandparents to an already over burdened social security.
Having kids is a choice, and I'm not going to be held hostage by irresponsible choices like that, nor exploited through loop holes in the citizenship system. The only way to enforce that boundary is a firm no.
Definitely not granting waves of foreign votes at a time either. That's a national security risk and abusive politcal tool, that suppresses politcal opposition. You want citizenship go through the proper steps. If you don't qualify, there are reasons we have qualifications to begin with.
(Old Spike)
how long has the war in iraq/afghan been going on? if the men wanted to stay and fight. do they they start shooting down american airplanes? you know that you only get what you paid in for social security? i don't think you know very much
(Old Spike)
We shouldn't have gone to war to begin with. But we did. Since we gave up on the nation building the war was over awhile ago.
Hosting people is not free nor our responsibility. We saved their lives, since when is that not enough? And if that is not enough nothing will be enough.
(Old Spike)
boy, that comment changed in the last half hour. i think i preffer the first draft
"how long has the war in iraq/afghan been going on?" Depends which lens you look at it from.
Some could say it was over when Sadaam was executed. Others would say that once the nation building project is complete.
It's clear we gave up on the nation building. So the war has been over for awhile.
"if the men wanted to stay and fight. do they they start shooting down american airplanes?" That's their problem, and their responsibility to manage their politics.
"you know that you only get what you paid in for social security?" There are programs, that they will get that will cost money. Meant to keep them from starving. You know I meant but you are petty, or stupid. And no, I'm not paying for that forever.
(Old Spike)
Maybe you should be more patient.
(Old Spike)
You're right I already miss the entertainment like mad!