New one from the Metatron. I like this guy's thinking process, which consists of logical deconstruction. In short, if the government fakes left, be sure you're looking right. Enjoy.
(1 vote)
New one from the Metatron. I like this guy's thinking process, which consists of logical deconstruction. In short, if the government fakes left, be sure you're looking right. Enjoy.
(Site Moderator)
The bible UFO stuff was really interesting.
And yeah, the Congress hearing is a farce. Just not sure what the purpose is...yet. Maybe we need a new enemy.
(Site Administrator)
Indeed. Smell that smell.. that smelly smell we smell.
Time will tell.
(Long Spike)
The dogon tribe of Mali west Africa say aliens visited them , pretty interesting stuff ... Somehow this primative tribe knew about the Sirius binary star system and details of Sirius B's orbital period . Something that they couldn't possibly know . Sirius B cannot be seen with the naked eye ( the dogon know that also , interesting in itself )
(Site Administrator)
source Bradlox?
Why do you got me thinking of this gem..
(Long Spike)
Awesome movie !