The most difficult sequence was Tonya. I made this music video because I'm a huge fan of Jordan Peterson's intellectual genius and Akira the Don's artistic genius, and when Akira combined his art with Jordan's thoughts it was the greatest thing since the peanut butter cup - except EVERYONE can enjoy it.
If you are a JBP fan and have not experienced Akira the Don, then you must go to his channel and feast here: https://www.youtube.com/user/akirathedon
The audio single for this music video - "Don't bother children while they're skateboarding" - was produced by Akira the Don and can be found here: https://youtu.be/J2gu5OnzoG4
The audio single came from "12 Rules for Life - The Album", produced by Akira the Don, which you can find here: https://youtu.be/fSQSETwnrio
(Old Spike)
Ah shit YouTube has of course set this to not suitable for most advertisers. There's nothing in the description or keywords that should trigger that other than "Jordan Peterson". So that means YouTube won't be promoting this video until it receives 1000 views within 7 days to trigger a manual review.
If you do watch the video, please rate it. I'm hoping that it generates enough buzz to snowball itself without YouTube's help - the goal with this one is views, not ad revenue. Unfortunately to get YouTube's help with promotion it has to be monetized, and approved by manual review. I was kind of saddened to see that this single has been out since January and only has 40,000 views on Akira's channel. I thought putting imagery to the music and words could help with that.
(Old Spike)
Keep trying.