Social Media Rant


Fullauto223cal's picture

This asshole is ret-coning his whole past career.  Fuck him.  He was never outing anyone.  He was being an comedy edge lord and making money off comedy that's now been deemed by the censorious left as verboten.

How much money do you think he made giving a pre-written speech to hundreds of Jews about why the internet needs to be censored on their behalf?


Someone somewhere might do something aweful like call a Jew KIKE or a black person a NIGGER online and damn it we can't have that shit.  Someone might ask why the US gives so much money to Israel, NO...NO....NO.... that's just racism.  Why are there so many Jews in positions of power in politics?  Can't even ask that question because obviously you're a fucking racist.

Fuck censorship of any kind.  And fuck this British cucked piece of shit for selling out after he made his millions of dollars off comedic racism and edgy jokes.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, so much hate.

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MexicanOnline's picture

I know right? the jew hating is def strong with this fucking guy.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

general xenophobia is. but he actually loves israel. 

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Evulva 1's picture



Intellectually shallow as ever.



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