a 64 page document that as made by a fake intellegence firm(typhoon investigations), by a fake author with a ai generator face was disseminated via trump team. but you know, whatever...
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
What a weird take. Tucker will not stop covering the documents, only the ones pertaining to Hunter and his private life, while the dealings with his father, the Presidential candidate, involving possible corruption, those actions will still be covered. As for Hunter Biden's crimes, those are already under investigation as the documents from his laptop have been given to the authorities.
He is already covering it:
So what is TYT trying to pull by putting this out there, claiming that the allegations are vague and have very little attention, which is wrong, while comparing it to a completely different case where there was actual disinformation going on?
It's kind of painfully obvious.
(Old Spike)
its been a few days since he's had the documents. what has tucker said was in them?
(Long Spike)
its sad she got a nose job to because her original nose was too big, and yet, in this video, I can't stop staring at that big honker. They say your nose never stops growing and maybe it is trying to get back to its original size. I digress, yeah she is trying to spin this story as a "nothing to see here".