Spam, vote, Repeat


skeptoid's picture

Am I the only person here who likes this new incentive program? I prefer MORE content on the new posts page than less, and I like the idea of encouraging people to rate so that the best bubbles to the top. Perhaps there's an argument to be made that more points should be awarded for posts promoted to the front page, but the idea of filling the new posts page with content seems good to me.

I was sad to see my points from the old site disappear completely too - not sure if there were actually members who had significant portions of their points carried over but I haven't seen a clarification on that. I guess I see this as a brand new chocolate cake I get to dig into. So far I'm liking it, although my eyes and brain have still not got completely used to the new look. Also when I am on the front page and I click into a post, and then hit the back button, it takes me to the new posts page instead of back to the front page. Also, I still haven't figured out how to edit existing comments.

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Cahu's picture

You can't edit, also if you click reply you get 2 text editors on screen

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I just noticed the text editor has begun opening under the comment to which you are replying, instead of at the bottom of the page under the general comment box.

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Mori's picture

I for one enjoy having a voting system that will help me select what to watch. If people are voting up a video it usually means it's worth taking a look and if something get's 1 star I won't bother. This is a huge time saver. Of course this requires enough people around to vote. Right now I'm looking at a massive amount of videos with no stars, 5 stars after 1 vote, etc. So basically I'm going around watching every single video and finding very few that are decent. 

Also, with this system of points I guess it makes sense for someone to just make post after post with links to videos, no matter if they're good or not, because they'll get points for posting and so there seems to be an incentive to post everything and anything?

In conclusion, the videos are mostly coming from youtube and I guess we all can go there to watch the videos. The reason for being here is that we get a selection of those videos put in here, a selection made by the members for the members, and we also get a small community making comments. So please, don't be posting just for posting's sake to get points or wathever.

PS: On a personal note...this grey and orange is giving me nightmares :)

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

post this i dont want to be accused of whoring

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tumbi's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userGif gallery

I think more points should be awarded for voting and fewer for posting, especially if the post ends up with a low rating. If people just dump random videos for the sake of points then quality videos will get pushed back into oblivion before anyone has a chance to vote on them and very few will get the 10 votes needed for promotion.

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Cahu's picture

You're smarter than you sound

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