Good morning and fuck you. This is the news for Dec. 26th 2017. First segment looks at great posts from great members that have stalled on the new page. Next is a special report with some in-depth analysis.
The original post I made last night was accessed 47 times on SpikedNation but was only played 26 times on YouTube. Groth and I made brief comments. So that's about 15-20 views of the page with no click on the video - dudes if you are going to give it one star you should at least suffer through the silly stalls segment. Ben will be drugged next time but if you care about getting more shit to the front page you should check out the first 10 min - are any of these vids on the new posts page worth checking out?
Anyway if this gets voted off there's a better, longer version with more Ben Merner I can try posting afterwards - it's like the "Director's Cut." Let me know if you'd rather see that version.
(Old Spike)
they call that juking the stats. don't like your rating, delete and repost. some people come for the comments.
(Long Spike)
Giving it a 5/5 this time to support Spiked National-created content.
(Old Spike)
This was a pilot - I've taken your constructive criticism to heart. Ben can't go anywhere but he will be suitably "motivated" for the next episode and it will be more streamlined with additional segments. Aiming for next week some time.
You're lucky Grothesk.
He took your constructive critisism to heart.
My destructive criticism made him delete and re-post his video.
But you're right about the fact that all original spiked content shoud be encouraged.
(Old Spike)
Don't feel excluded - I heard you as well. Trust me everyone here has to deal with Ben on a daily basis, and unfortunately working with Ben is part of this process. I didn't delete and repost the video for any of the reasons stated so far, but I do appreciate your feedback. The show is open to any and all submissions - if you have a segment or a special report let me know.
Who's the hot chick on your avatar?
(Old Spike)
Tulsi Gabbard
(Old Spike)
The next President of The United States of America.
(Old Spike)
if she runs a republican. she doesn't have the lgbt vote, she was against same sex marriage/civil unions just a few years ago
(Long Spike)
I can't link directly to it, but I live in the area of South Bend, Indiana, where our gay mayor just recently announced his engagement and the local news sites (ABC57 and WNDU) both reported upon it. In our county that primarily voted for Hillary there were multiple posts of, "these fags can burn in Hell" and "which one will be the prettiest first lady?" which had to be deleted out of the comments because they try to keep their comment section clean. And that's in our ultra-liberal county that houses the university of Notre Dame. Now I want you to think about counties in Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, and Oklahoma...yeah, I'm sure she'll just rape that electoral college to shreds, right?
I'm shocked that you seriously think in 4 years that America is going to advance enough for a *woman* to win the electoral college...and an intelligent one at that. Trump will make some joke about blood coming out of...somewhere...while her race is also brought into question. The Republicans will then attack her for not being liberal enough under the guise of liberal think tanks while Trump LOLs his way into another win. I'm very shocked you can't see this.