Staged CW Attack Witnesses

danmanjones's picture

UK will not attend Russia and Syria's 'stunt' #Douma briefing

Russian ambassador to the OPCW called for a press briefing in the Hague so that witnesses of the CW video staged by the White Helmets could give their testimony. 14 witnesses were taken and 6 were chosen to speak.


UK, France & US delegations to OPCW boycotted the event.


The only Western channel that covered the event was ITV (video above).


Interview with the Russian ambassador who organised the event:


The full briefing is below, featuring:

- Boy from the staged CW video & his father

- Medical staff who were in the hospital when the White Helmets shot the video

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sato's picture

gz it's pretty hard to work out the truth. the evidence could be real or faked, the eyewitnesses could be telling the truth or coerced or offered rewards, either way could be true. the only thing that gets me is how the US ambassador walked out of an earlier hearing to avoid questions, and now with both the US and UK just not turning up, that says a lot. there is the argument that you don't bother debating with fools because you lose either way, but this their job, and those people they walk out on are equally ranked ambassadors. that behaviour is just really suspicious.

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danmanjones's picture

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boldfart's picture

Nanananananananananananana not listening not listening.

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Beseeched1's picture

Russian/Syrian PR circus. Eat up, comrades.

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