giver, havent touched it since last month. do whatever you want. spend points on stuff. you can only equip one of any perk, so you upgrade or destroy any copies. login info is still the same
got to disable rich text and type the opening bracket [, the @ symbol and the start of the name, a list will popup. click the one you want and then re-enable rich text
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SpikedLegend (Site Administrator)
Yay, thank you! About to give it another go now.
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hellyeah (Old Spike)
i know i know this is corny as shit, but when mister Lee started talking......
(Site Administrator)
@sal9000 can I try your game again?
(Old Spike)
giver, havent touched it since last month. do whatever you want. spend points on stuff. you can only equip one of any perk, so you upgrade or destroy any copies. login info is still the same
got to disable rich text and type the opening bracket [, the @ symbol and the start of the name, a list will popup. click the one you want and then re-enable rich text
(Site Administrator)
Yay, thank you! About to give it another go now.
(Old Spike)
i know i know this is corny as shit, but when mister Lee started talking......