This is a Pastor speaking to his church, of course he is going to make it about God and his religion. It's par for the course that anything in history that is "good" is obviously the work of THEIR God and anything that isn't is just the work of Satan.
Now here's something I didn't know. Francis Scott Key was an anti-abolitionist and was a strong advocate for slavey until his death. It would not surprise me at all that this tidbit of information, if it ever makes it to the ranks of the radical SJW left, will cause Twitter mobs, Tumblr fags and every other kind of virtue signalling race baiter to call for the National Anthem to be disgarded as the work of a racist.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
That was pretty dumb of the British to think they could blow through the ramparts. They are thick earth works with huge timbers holding it all together. We got one that was reconstructed on the original site, its about a 10 min drive from me, i go there all the time with my daughter. The British tried and failed to mortor that fort too. (fort stanwix rome ny)
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Clever earthworks to counter the British artillery were also a key factor in the Maori fighting the Brits to a stalemate here in the mid 19th century. Apparently their designs revolutionised modern earthworks & a bunch of their tactics were used in WWI. Strangely the Aussies ended up calling themselves 'diggers'. They steal everything from us, even our desserts. They can keep Russel Crowe though.
(Old Spike)
gad damn, those christians know how to twist a story around to make it all about them.
I looked up some of the hyperbole and found 4 American casualties and 6 ships attacking the fort.
(Old Spike)
This is a Pastor speaking to his church, of course he is going to make it about God and his religion. It's par for the course that anything in history that is "good" is obviously the work of THEIR God and anything that isn't is just the work of Satan.
Now here's something I didn't know. Francis Scott Key was an anti-abolitionist and was a strong advocate for slavey until his death. It would not surprise me at all that this tidbit of information, if it ever makes it to the ranks of the radical SJW left, will cause Twitter mobs, Tumblr fags and every other kind of virtue signalling race baiter to call for the National Anthem to be disgarded as the work of a racist.
(sounds retarded)
That was pretty dumb of the British to think they could blow through the ramparts. They are thick earth works with huge timbers holding it all together. We got one that was reconstructed on the original site, its about a 10 min drive from me, i go there all the time with my daughter. The British tried and failed to mortor that fort too. (fort stanwix rome ny)
(Old Spike)
Clever earthworks to counter the British artillery were also a key factor in the Maori fighting the Brits to a stalemate here in the mid 19th century. Apparently their designs revolutionised modern earthworks & a bunch of their tactics were used in WWI. Strangely the Aussies ended up calling themselves 'diggers'. They steal everything from us, even our desserts. They can keep Russel Crowe though.
(Old Spike)
Like Stokkebye said.
ram·part | \ ˈram-ˌpärt , -pərt\
Definition of rampart
1: a protective barrier : BULWARK
2: a broad embankment raised as a fortification and usually surmounted by a parapet
3: a wall-like ridge (as of rock fragments, earth, or debris)