Sun, 2022-04-17 18:01 — stokkebye "Unboxing" of Russian "Orlan" Video of "Unboxing" of Russian "Orlan" Remember the video showcasing the most modern manufacturing facility making Russian made drones that cost millions? LOL 3.666665 Average: 3.7 (3 votes)
(Site Administrator)
repost. you're on a roll lmao
(sounds retarded)
Well, in case they missed the other one, like I did, its good for people to see this. To how utterly shit the Russians really are. Just like China.
(Site Administrator)
only idiots will look at that little drone & think it's significant. Those are practically disposable.
Do you know how many of your drones Iran has? Fucking loads of them.
here's one that's not disposable, like other large ones they've taken from you & reverse engineered
(sounds retarded)
Oh, is Iran claiming to have manufactured those all by themselves too? Funny, I didnt see the video showcasing their super high tech facility.
(Site Administrator)
there's a lot of things you don't see