Wed, 2018-03-14 15:18 — puttefnask Stephen Hawking A Personal Journey PBS Video of Stephen Hawking A Personal Journey PBS I forgot to add a theory of everything! 4.846155 Average: 4.8 (13 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Hell yea, Melody Sheep makes some awesome jams.
(Long Spike)
he pulled a roger ebert
(Site Administrator)
today we lost a god among men.
a wheelchair bound non moving life support dependant type but still a god none the less.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
If you guys havn't watched the Into the Universe series you need to go watch it NOW!
(Short Spike)
See? We told him in 1963 that he was gonna die from LGD
Heh, you don't mess with modern medicine, kid