Can anyone please explain, not only how one can actually vote for a person that is a convicted felon, convicted and self proclaimed rapist, called a fascist and dangerous by his former closest staff can actually become president, but also why on earth apparently former democratic voters would change their vote in favour of such a person? We all know the "arguments" of the trumptards already but is there a reasonable explanation by a reasonable person available or are americans really like that? Hiding behind MAGA when in essence they are only stupid, despicable, selfish narcissists who vote for someone telling them what they want to hear (i.e. it's the brown people's fault)?
Well at least we (those outside the US) will have a lot of fun with this for the next few years.
(Old Spike)
You're retarded, that's why you can't understand it. Most of what you believe is just bullshit fed to you by jews.
Here's my question. What do you think Trump was convicted of? Hint: It wasn't paying a porn star hush money, that's perfectly legal.
(Site Moderator)
Trump might be actually an ok businessman and negotiator. The thing I can't get passed with him is the huge ego and arrogance, the kind of rhetoric he has is really at the level of kindergarten a lot of the time. Just generally being a bully and and an asshole to anyone who he doesn't like or is opposing him. Like you don't see that kind of behavior in here in European elections, and if you did, that person certainly wouldn't be running for president.
People here just think a president should act like a mature level headed person. I don't know, it's fucking weird how half of Americans think this is the qualities we want in a leader.
(Old Spike)
I agree. I was raised to be humble and I think that was the correct lesson when I lived in a white country. Now that it's a "diverse" country and the average IQ is greatly diminished by the darkies, ego is king. Look at black culture and rap. It's all about clout and bravado, even if you're just a retarded jigaboo, you have to show off. Dumb people love it.
Don't worry though. Your politicians will be blubbering buffoons as soon as you get to about 50% shit skins. It happens every time. What are the chances Trump was the first person elected after Obama? Pretty high. The rot has set in but there is a chance of reversing it now, although I'm not that optimistic.
(Site Moderator)
You saying most black people voted for Trump because he acts like a retard?
(Old Spike)
I wouldn't say he acts like a retard, but he acts more like a nigger than any other American president, including Obama. He brags a lot, he has shiny things, he's ballin', he's got whores after him, he's a playboy, he's a New Yorker, he lives in a obscene mansion, he talks shit, he "says it how it is". These are things blacks and low IQ whites are really into, and they are the majority of voters now. Our culture has deteriorated with the influx of black and brown people.
We barely even have real debates anymore. Go back and look at old presidential debates when it was just assumed that America would be white forever. No one was pandering to the nigs. They were very well spoken intelligent white men and they debated on policy because their audience was intelligent white men. Look at advertising from sixty years ago, look at articles and books and everything back when America was a white country. The contrast is insane.
(Site Moderator)
Can you post some source on voting demographics?
(Old Spike)
This CNN polling is pretty robust and easy to follow:
(Site Moderator)
Had a quick look but I see blacks voting for Harris, not Trump.
Uneducated white people seem to be voting for Trump which is what one would expect. The only thing thats kinda unexpected is latino men somewhat leaning more towards Trump, but you know their pretty much the same as north Africans, no true black people like the sub-Saharan ones.
(Old Spike)
The demographic is exactly what one would expect, the less educated and more white vote for trump (he clearly speaks "their language" although they have NOTHING else in common), the latinos are a bit surprising, however, I think it is possible that many feel threatened by more latino immigrants.
Surprising to me is the almost 50:50 split in women, how can this be?
There are only two reasons I can think of:
* they don't believe the accusers (not referring to stormy) and even his own words
* american women are not really as keen on emancipation as one would think and want a "firm male hand" for some reason.
* there are even more religious nutcases out there than I expected
(Old Spike)
Yeah, unfortunately the blacks are always going to vote for the handouts from the left, even more so when a "black" person is running. White men are pretty much always going to vote conservative, especially if he is running on a "nationalistic" platform. So those two demographics are covered and all the campaigning is to sway women, Latinos, and other special interest groups one way or the other.
That's why the people I listen to and my own belief is not to vote for either candidate. We need to become our own voting block so the parties will start to cater to our needs. Trump acted like he was our guy in 2016 but he wasn't. he just did what the jews told him to do like all the other presidents for the last hundred years, ever since the jews voted themselves the power to print US dollars. We're just too small right now and it's too difficult of a concept for most normies to understand.
Trump is more a product of the times. He is a reality TV star and voting has become a popularity contest. With so many low IQ people voting and the laws the way they are, this is just how it's going to be for a while. Hopefully a very charismatic and strong guy will come along and be so loved that he can make some real changes. It usually seems to happen sooner or later, otherwise the country dies and then it has to be built up again. These are our options now.
(Long Spike)
Failed coup. lol
you need to be deprogrammed. or do you enjoy looking down on your fellow americans that simply disagree with you about politics.
wait, are you not american daftcunt? rofl, that's even more pathetic. mind your fucking business loser.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
They vote for Trump because they know the felony charges are bull shit.
They know the rape case was bull shit.
They know the insurrection was bull shit.
They know impeachments are bull shit.
They know Russian collusion is bull shit.
They know the KKK white supremacy is bull shit
They know that everything that you hold to be true.... is bull shit.
It looks like alot of people woke up to the fact that we all live in an objective reality.
Your values are corrupt and evil and this is why you hate TRUMP so bad.
You have been projecting your own dark desires on to Trump and saying this is what you hate.
Essentially you hate yourself and everyone else too.
(Old Spike)
In the same way that they "know" the 2020 election was rigged, vaccines are made to kill you, global warming is bullshit and that "their god" exists and wants them to suppress women etc. etc. etc........ Yes, I think you are right.
(Short Spike)
Yes, I'm right.
(Old Spike)
Jdt73 is right.
Daftcunt, a fitting name for you. Why don't you try getting some news that isn't controlled by Jews? Just try it out. It's tough to find but it is out there.
(Old Spike)
Excellent, you being the expert, which jew-free news / information sources would you recommend to an ignoramus like me? Looking forward to checking them out.
(Old Spike)
Where to begin? :)
Meme tier:
John Talks
Memeology 101
Normie tier:
Matt Christiansen
Mark Dice
Black Pigeon Speaks
Expert tier:
I, hypocrite
Vincent James
God tier:
Nick Fuentes
Jared Taylor
Devon Stack / Black Pilled
These are listed in order from easiest to watch and understand to most difficult. The higher tiers also require more knowledge, understanding, intelligence, and a sense of humor to really get the most out of them.
I'd dabble in some of the easy ones for a while and then work your way down to the tougher stuff. I could probably pick out some specific videos if you're having trouble. If Spiked allowed uploads from Rumble and X I could just post good stuff right here. I understand they are working on the upgrade.
(Old Spike)
Yep, exactly as expected, nice mixture of alt right, white supremacist and religious nutcases.
(Old Spike)
Ok, so can you argue against any of their points or do you think name calling is the same as a philosophical win?
If the alt right and white supremacists are correct, what does that say about reality?
(Old Spike)
Of course you are hun, "they" are also eating the cats and dogs!
(Old Spike)
You're going to have to leave the jewtube safe space and watch some videos of jigaboos eating the dogs, cats, geese, and swans.
Watch Tayler Hansen interviewing the residents of Springfield, Ohio.
(Old Spike)
So literally any city official of springfield denied that this was happening but you think it is correct because one of your opinion channels says so?
Let me guess the city is jew infiltrated?
(Old Spike)
I just said there are videos of nigs eating pets and a reporter interviewed residents of Springfield, Ohio who claim that Haitians are eating the pets. These are not just my opinions. You are so mind fucked.
Can you explain to me how you think 20,000 Haitians got to Springfield, Ohio in the last couple of years and how they got housing, food, transportation, water, and electricity?
(Old Spike)
why don't you provide us with links of "nigs eating pets" in springfield. And how do you know that the "interviews" are not staged. Again, the officials AND the lady that started the rumour deny it is happening.....
(Old Spike)
Oh man. You're going to make me do all the work? Fine, lol.
***Warning, Niggers eating cats, pets and wildlife***
1. https://x.com/i/status/1832895030937161844
2. https://x.com/i/status/1835015680892035574
3. https://x.com/i/status/1834362504689942984
4. https://x.com/i/status/1833147660015968610
5. https://x.com/i/status/1834178861891805470
6. https://x.com/i/status/1832980818626519429
7. https://x.com/i/status/1832540980521685151
8. https://x.com/i/status/1837242498256933315
9. https://x.com/i/status/1834225765761560616
10. https://x.com/i/status/1834584732610285718
11. https://x.com/i/status/1836790260136583200
12. https://x.com/i/status/1851979940725510173
13. https://x.com/i/status/1833937993339732184
14. https://x.com/i/status/1836842982819143693
15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXQxFWQWIAA_PPR?format=jpg&name=medium
You might have to be logged in to watch some of them. I think they are age restricted.
That's just what i get when I search for "Eating Pets" on X. There is way more out there and it's all pretty disgusting.
(Old Spike)
Half of the links don't work, one is from italy one from israel/palestine, one features other animals, 2 show people complaining, one shows something conveniently blurry on a bbq, and 2 show arrests.....
thanks for wasting my time.
(Old Spike)
You need to log in to see the worst ones. I said that in my comment. How many show nigs eating cats and pets?
(Old Spike)
don't have an account
(Old Spike)
Then you can't see the truth. Knowing truth requires some effort. You make no effort which is why you believe what you believe. You are spoon fed lies by the jews that run the media. Try harder.
(Old Spike)
Sory, hun, you can't see the truth. Knowing truth requires some effort. You make no effort which is why you believe what you believe. You are spoon fed lies by the far right "media channels" and "influencers" that tell you what you want to hear. Try harder.
(Old Spike)
What do you think is easier, turning on the TV and trusting that or searching the corners of the internet to find people who have been blacked, banned, and censored? You won't even sign up for X to watch niggers eat cats. You just pretend it doesn't happen and tell everyone they are crazy far right extremists if they say it is. I have the videos there for you to watch but you wont. Living in lies is just easier for you I guess.
(Old Spike)
People will claim all sorts of things for being banned from SM, most of the time, though, they get banned because they distribute disproven nonsense.
Judging by the quality of the links that worked there is no need to check out fake cat eating videos on twitter.
If it is on twitter it is on rumble, I accidently opened an account with them.