storm shadows in crimea

sal9000's picture

Ukraine War: 'First time' British cruise missiles used in Crimea

i think its the first time a sub has been hit with a missile and i don't think it being in a dry dock is an excuse cause you would think it would be better protected while being at its most vulnerable

Average: 4 (1 vote)


jdt73's picture

The last time a country was so wound up with nationalism to the point they wouldn't negotiate for peace was Japan.

A couple of low yield atomic bombs was enough to wake them up to reality.


I hope this is not the solution for Ukraine.

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jdt73's picture

I take it from the down votes some people would like to see Ukraine nuked.

That's very sad.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

more like people want to see you get nuked. they think that dna responsible for your stupidity should be expunged from the world. you're comparing a country that attacked the usa and was nuked by them to a country that was attacked and is an ally to the usa. somewhere between thinking and writing, you're shit's all fucked up

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jdt73's picture

Im on your team pal.

Nuke Ukraine! Yeehaa!

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