The Story of WOMP WOMP

danmanjones's picture

The Story of WOMP WOMP

Selective humanitariasm vs WOMP WOMP. Which is worse?



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danmanjones's picture

Weaponised humanitariasm is a tactic that's often used in US foreign policy & was enshrined under Obama as RTP - Responsibility To Protect. Advocates under Hilary Clinton's State Department claimed that a state loses its right to sovereignty if it fails to protect its people.

In Libya it was to save Benghazi from "evil Gaddafi" with a no-fly zone that was used to bomb the shit out of Libyan forces (and secretly sponsor jihadis) & in Syria it was again used in efforts to oust the government.... by openly sponsoring head-chopping jihadis!



This tactic is now being used domestically against the Trump administration, now that "muh Russia" has been exposed for the fraud it always was.



How absolutely dare you, sir!

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