Sudden urge to hit Gym

ninjzz3.0's picture

BE superior.

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UltimateX's picture

Sure, she looks amazing, but is it really worth it to be in the gym 4 hours a day for 5 or 6 days a week? 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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 What if I said you could achieve the same look and decent strength gains from a good diet that's cheaper than eating take out and 20 minutes of weights a day?


 Working out for hours is only for competetive body builders or for performence junkies like the special forces or triathletes.


 3 years in a row I was able to get ripped for about 100 a week in groceries and one excercise a day.


 The down side? No junk food, starch or sugars. You have to watch your daily maximum calories. about 2200 a day for me. The weight loss is slow about 1/2 inch off the waist a week.


 Meat every day, (baked Chicken breast, steak, fish) unsalted nuts every day (Less than a cup) eggs every day, steamed or raw vegtables with every meal. Some fruit for breakfast 1 SMALL (4-5 oz) glass of tropicana orange juice. 2 gallons of water, and lots of unsweetened coffee.


 Take 1 day of junkfood and sweets a week, but still get your protein in.


 Finally, throw out your scale and use measuring tape to track progress. (Only once a week if you don't want to develope a nuerosis about your body image.) And for sanity sake don't measure right after your cheat day. Measure right before instead.


 What's your excuse Spiked Nationals?

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

don't have one. i'm at the gym 5 days a week at about an hour a session including a 1.5km swim once a week. i'm on a special diet but still a fat prick because i drink a shitload and snack when i do. 

currently i'm using a modified version of the 4 day split here. i do enough have the results to prove it, and really don't want to take it any further.


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Grothesk's picture

Genetics trumps exercise at the end of the day.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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No point being better tomorrow than what you are today.


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