Suicide pod

daftcunt's picture

Switzerland Legalises ‘Suicide Machine’: Pod Offers Painless Death in a Minute, With Just a Blink

I forgot to add a stylish gas chamber!


This is a follow up to the recent post of a "suicide ad" by a fashion company. Now I am all in favour of assisted suicide (not to be confused with euthanasia) and think we all should embrace and applaud regulation that gives a person FULL control over their life (death) and body! 


From anyone opposing this I would be interested to hear your sensible* argumentation.


*sensible in the sense of excluding god/religion or government conspiracies

Average: 5 (4 votes)


danman's picture

it's not hardcore enough. throw yourself off a bridge like a normal human bean. or blow your brains out in front of an enemy & make sure your eyes are locked for maximum style points.


suicide pod, as well as being gay, would become a commercial enterprise where it's incentivized on the supplier's end (cheers crapitalism) and on the buyer's end by way of sexy advertizing. people who'd choose this option should be made to stay & suffer with the rest of us until they grow a pair.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

People that are bed bound can't throw themselves off a bridge....

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danman's picture

then they needa get creative

if they can't get it done then they don't really need a pod, just a doctor & that would be euthanasia.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I think you are deliberately missing that this is the actual point: not needing euthanasia.


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danman's picture

nah, you're ignoring the problems I've raised & you've not given a decent argument to be against euthanasia.

the suggestion of bodily autonomy was the only reason you really gave for saying "we should all embrace" the pod but you've not explained how giving a doctor permission to handle it or getting in a pod are any different... do you think it's more dignified to be lifted into one of those pods by a nurse than to have a doctor stick a needle in your arm? the latter would be less painful.

if memory serves, you're also pro-vaccine mandate so obv you're not a bodily autonomy absolutist.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now you are completelyu off the mark.


There is no need to give an argument pro or con euthanasia because this is not what the post is about.


I never said we should embrace the pod but rather regulation allowing (assisted) suicide. The pod is just a tool for an immobilised person to commit suicide without direct 3rd party interaction in the killing. 


I also stated many a time that I am not pro vaccine mandate! This is a complete different issue as there is a social aspect involved and must be treated as such. With suicide there isn't.

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danman's picture

fair enough. I had to look up the difference btw euthanasia & assisted suicide to get some grounding...


I have a problem with the 1st point on assisted suicide, especially if it's commercialized which it no doubt would be, even if only in some countries

You seem to have a problem with the third party being involved in euthanasia (2nd & 3rd points)

- I think it needs more exploring because a lot of people have a pact with their closest relative/partner that if they're in a vegitative state with no chance of recovery that they should 'pull the plug'. I'm in favour of this being an option. In principle it's the same reasoning as you have - full control over your own life & death.

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daftcunt's picture
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The definition you gave for assisted suicide is incorrect and incouraging suicide is illegal in most countries, I believe. The oxford dictionary has a better, simpler definition for it, which I think is perfect:

"suicide effected with the assistance of another person, especially the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for the purpose by a patient suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition."


Euthanasia ("the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.") is in a similar category but still a different kind of animal. Passive euthanasia is applied often these days by simply switching off life support. What you refer to is active euthanasia, I think, and this could be made ethically possible by the patients notarised decision about who can do what in the event of the patient being unable to decide for themselves. But again this is not the topic. 

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danman's picture

It might not be the topic you wanted to argue about but we need to agree on the definitions or we'll just shitpost each other as usual. I'm happy to take your definitions for the sake of this thread. I'll ignore that you used a bed-ridden patient for your argument too because it contradicts your "lethal drugs provided by a doctor" definition of how assisted suicide is normally carried out.


This isn't something I've put a lot of thought into but what I'm against is the vibe I get from these pods, basically. The idea that we're going to normalize & glorify someone taking their life, & potentially commercialize it. Not necessarily on moral grounds directly, but on speculation of what happens next. Death is part of life & so is pain. It's not easy to articulate what I have against the pod vibe, it just seems like a bad idea. I've probably missed the mark again (partly your fault for using a pod video to open up a discussion on assisted suicide regulation).


We recently had a referendum on legalizing euthanasia. I think it passed, I dunno. I don't think you should be saying what other people in other countries "should embrace". That's their call. What is it you'd like changed in your part of the world re:assisted suicide regulation?

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danman's picture

just watched the full video & I'm still unconvinced about these pod things.

The pitch from the creator was...


A lethal injection is also peaceful & reliable.

The "elegant & stylish" is egotistical & pointless imo. You're going to end your life. Your ego doesn't go with you, nor do your memories. If you can't move & want to go out on a good vibe there are other ways to do it. VR googles & heroin come to mind. It depends on your ailment & level of consciousness. Next aspect to consider would be what's the least traumatic for loved ones who do get to live on & remember what happened. It's almost like they should be able to veto something like the pod if it freaks them out too much.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again (how much more do I have to stress this?) My opinion that we should emnbrace the fact that governments finally give people the right to decide about their own life is the important thing, NOT the method. The "stylishness" I would not get hung up on, why should a suicide machine look abysmal? The pod may be necessary in some countries where active  assisted suicied remains illegal. 


Legality of this should not be down to a majority vote neither, each has their own opinion and even if 99% of the population disagree the 1% should have the right to do it.

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danman's picture

Suicide being illegal is weird, I'll give you that. It makes me chuckle more than anything.

Think I'd stop at authorized lethal injections for fringe medical situations though. No need for a pod, no commercialization nor cultural normalization. That's my best offer :D

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n0val33t's picture
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Like the blinking feature!.... want one of these in my house, just in case super cancer, ALS, MS, also wan't one with EEG just in case a conscious coma *shivers* Code would be up, up, down, down, left right, left, right B, A... 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"There is no de population agenda. Now just lay in the pod. Experience the comfort. The longer you enjoy it's features, the more you are fighting climate change."


"Umm, I was just hoping for a modest increase to my disability benefit."


"Hush now, just close your eyes and embrace mother Gaia."


"No, no, I don't want to embrace mother Gaia, I just want an extra 100 dollars a month to keep up with the rent and food increase."


"You don't want to embrace mother Gaia? Oh you poor dear, you must be mentally ill. It'll all be over in a moment."

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, yeah government conspiracy, lol. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Ethics are such firm boundaries. They just don't quite fit the vision the ruling class has in store for their world. So of course ethics must be "updated" (imposed.)


Slowly, softly, drop by drop.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now this is how whako you are: the "ruling class" in many countries outlaws suicice, most of the people (minus the conspiracy theorists and religious nutcases, both groups you are a part of) actually are not opposing it.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"the "ruling class" in many countries outlaws suicide," - Think about that for a second.


You're not viewing who the ruling class is with the correct lense. Iv'e explained to you who that is before, and why they do what they do, but for some reason you're too set in your ways to acknowldge that.


It is a bit shocking that you haven't connected everything together considering how much the world has deteriorated in the last 2 years let alone the last 100. I know that some people will unfortunately have to go through more hardship to realize this. And sadly I know some people will never realize this at all. I hope mostly you see it before things get much worse, secondly I hope you will see this at least by the time things get as bad as they are going to get. What I do hope for certain, is that you will see these scams for what they are eventually, as opposed to never.


Not believing what I have told you will not save you, or put you in a position to protect your community from what they are doing.

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Bobbob's picture
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Video's unavailable in my country but I see from the screencap that she opted to wear the brown pants.  Good choice.

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