they're ok with blocking traffick, being blocked, not so much. reviews are taking a hit is tracking all the company vehicles taking part.
nova scotia's not playing around. they got fines up to 10k for individuals or 100k for business wanting to do this over there
cops blocking horsedrawn carriage carrying fuel
(2 votes)
(sounds retarded)
Wow, so all the Amish are violating the law if they carry anything flammable.
Anyways, people need to understand that cops are not there to help you, if you are protesting you need to keep your wits about you and know that cops are your enemy. They would have been fine if they closed up the trailer and just said they were going for a stroll. Refuse to answer the cops questions and not allow them to search. At Standing rock they tried to starve us out by catching vehicles going up to Bismarck for supplies. We started doing convoys and putting the vehicles with supplies in the middle and had decoys in the front and rear. At Occupy I got into with some ego dude trying to go to the city and ask for permission about everything we did, at first he thought he won when they gave permission but slowly they started taking things back and denying permission. First mistake was to ask for permission.
Great thing about events like this is that more and more people get woken up and realize how controlled they are, then they learn to fight back.