Estimated timeline
11:30pm - Israel fires artillery from the Israel-occupied Golan Heights at military positions inside Syria
12:10am - Syrian forces fired around 20 missiles at Golan Heights
12:30am - Israel pounds Syria repeatedly with missiles, destroying a radar site
MEMORY HOLE => media is reporting "Iran attacks Israel"
SAA's version of events that led to a 2hr bombardment of Syrian forces:
View from the Golan Heights
View from Damascus
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
Saw this pop up on that crazy uncle Leak Project channel and was holding judgment until credible reports came in. Shit - my GUESS is that this should be limited. All that stuff about Israel playing the US like a puppet - hmmm. Both sides are claiming the other shot first right now.
I knew a guy who lived through a city under siege in Bosnia - bombs and missiles every day, seeing a friend have their leg blown off by a mine as they were walking to school, losing half of his extended family. That was his childhood - he's completely fucked up now, although was getting better last time I saw him.
(Old Spike)
Israel always claims they are retaliating but rarely are. They've been the ISIS airforce/artillery for years & nobody even realises but the fog of war is lifting.
(Old Spike)
I've always wondered why israel gets a free pass and can blow up shit in a sovereign nation and get a free pass. Don't even get me started on the settlement occupations.
(Old Spike)
because the US vetoes every resolution against israel. most recent was december last year calling for an end to settlement building in the palestinian territories. from 1981 to 2006 close to 100% of all the vetoes used at the security council were the US, and more than half of them were on matters concerning israel. russia obvious took note because now they're doing the same thing to every resolution on syria.
(Old Spike)
because the US vetoes every resolution against israel.
And rightly they should.
(Old Spike)
that's just silly. the resolutions should be judged on their merits, rather than just automatically vetoing everything. now russia and even more recently china have started to follow suit and have been automatically vetoing anything the US is trying to push.
(Old Spike)
They got a "free pass" because Iran, in Syria, launched a rocket barrage into the Golan Heights. Let me dumb it down for you, THEY SHOT FIRST.
Israel has every right to defend itself, that's why they get a "free pass" the same you would get a "free pass" if you decided kick the ass of someone who started throwing bombs into your fucking house.
(Old Spike)
no it was reported before this even happened that israel attacked an iranian base inside syria.
if the someone throwing bombs into your house only did it because you came in earlier and set their living room on fire, you can't claim retaliation because they were retaliating against you.
(Long Spike)
PRESSTV is an organization affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)-not affiliated with the government of Iran...but the only legal broadcaster in Iran-wink, wink. Israel is a scourge but that's a shitty source for information.
(Old Spike)
You're a shitty source of information.
It's the only video I could find that ran through what happened without hiding the fact that Israel struck first. Every article online I've seen either ignored that fact or buried it half way down the article.
(Long Spike)
PRESSTV is a solid unbiased source then. I'm wrong.
(Old Spike)
You've done this on at least 5 occasions - attacked what you call the "source" without even saying shit about the content of the clip. Even on clips of uncut footage without any spin whatsoever you do it. The sources of the informtion in this video are mentioned. PressTV is not asking you to trust them.
The very first sentence of the clip: "Syria media says..."
Then the guest's first sentence: "Officially, Syrian state media has said..."
Then his next bit "According to several Arab news outlets..."
Why don't you try watching the video and finding bits you object to instead of complaining about what you refer to as the "source"?
Or better yet, tell us where to find better information?
(Long Spike)
R-E-L-A-X. Syrian state media said and that's it. No need for them to quote any other source. Yeah, I question the bias of sources. Crazy shit, I know. 5 times. RT, China News, OAN, etc is biased horseshit as is CNN and Fox News. I need to stop doing that.
It's just that PRESSTV is solidly pro Iran, China, and Russia while being anti U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia. There's truth obviously but it's massively tainted with bias and therefore not a credible news source in my opinion. Just an opinion. It may be solid, all factual, and 100% reality.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
The annoying part is that you often just attack the "source" (referring to the news organisation who produced the video) but not once have you countered anything. Put your money where your mouth is so I can shoot down your "sources"
BTW, yeah I know. PressTV. But like I said, there were FA clips available on the subject, it's fresh war news, of course the information is dicey but at least they tell us where the info is coming from. When you search Syria on Youtube there's a shitload of spam/bot clips that come up. The channels seem to be created as fast as I can block them.
There's a lot of good stuff on PressTV but yeah, in this situation it's definitely going to be on the Syrian side. Iran is not in bed with Russia though. Netanyahu met with Putin just a few hours before this incident....it looks like Putin gave the green light on this - looks like it was Israel's largest assault on Syria in about 40 years. Seems as though Syria's air defense was missing the Russian boost that it got when the Americans attacked a few weeks ago (they were able to shoot down 70% of the crappy US/UK/French subsonic missiles but barely even half of these Israeli ones).
Also, I just woke up & haven't had a coffee so I'm in full 'gates of hell' mode. Watch out haha.
(Long Spike)
LOL I think the part that sucks the most is the sheer amount of biased Youtube channels that make it virtually impossible to pull the correct, factual information without hours of viewing and then essentially just forming an opinion. It's just too much.
Try a bong hit of purple kush after a cup of strong coffee to get that level-headed geopolitical capture... Works every time!
(Old Spike)
Yeah maybe I should go back to weed. Gave that shit up years ago, just made me wanna play video games & being self-employed it's hard enough to get my ass to go into work at the best of times.
The majority of Youtube channels when you search Syria are state-sponsored IMO - it seems like a tactic aimed at making it difficult to find out what's going on. The biases are a mixed bag. You can counter the bots with a plugin for Chrome that allows you to block YT channels.
This guy's channel is fairly worthwhile for up-to-date info on Syria, he's pro-government but pretty thorough with his ear to the ground.
Only reason I didn't upload his clip on the attacks yesterday was it's over 5 mins long & just him talking. People wanna see a news presentation. ADD & all that.
(Old Spike)
Just FYI I put quite a lot of effort into bringing the most unbiased info as possible onto Spiked. I always try to go for raw footage or a report with little to no spin. This one for example took about an hour to put together. I had to get a clip to lay down the basic facts & reluctantly used the PressTV report. CNN etc was pushing an obvious propaganda narrative of this being "Iran attacks Israel". Iran had nothing to do with the missiles fired at Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. It was the Syrian military who fired them, as is stated in this PressTV clip.
The most important thing is who shot first though and that detail is still pretty sketchy. It may have been that Syrian military wanted to guage the response and got more than they bargained for but my guess is still that Israel stuck first because the day beforehand, Israel warned the squatters in the Golan Heights to go into their emergency shelters. They did not give the all clear until after this massive bombardment, so they had this prepared & prrovoked the attack for their causis belli.
And if the Syrian state news report is bullshit, it's still kind of a reaction to yesterday's attack on Damascus which left around 20 people dead (figures vary from 15-23 but Iranians & Syrians always officially play down their bodycounts). The most brazen propaganda is still the CNN/BBC lines of this kicking off with "Iran attacks Israel" because that never happened at all.
(Long Spike)
"Quite a lot of effort" is the real problem, I totally agree. The amount of effort one has to put in just to get some semblance of what one thinks might be the truth is staggering.
(Old Spike)
It gets easier if you completely ignore the Western establishment media & build up some knowledge by reading articles from truthful journalists like Fisk, Hersh, Cockburn, Porter etc.
The basic facts are that Assad's regime is the legitemate government of Syria & has been fighting head-chopping terrorists for years. I called it within days of this breaking out because I'd already heard that weapons were being shipped from the terries in Libya over to Turkey (Hersh) & know about the agenda of cracking the Syria/Iran/Lebanon axis (Western imperialism doctrine + Israeli/Saudi interest). None of this info is found in Western establishment media. Hersh can't even publish his articles in USA.
What never gets mentioned in Western media is legality. That's a good place to start too. Who's acting within accepted int'l legal frameworks?
Journo's mentioned are linked here:
There's one politician who's well informed & tells it like it is (don't laugh):
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Oh lordy haha.
Every sentence is absurd.
(Old Spike)
You are the man danmanjones!! Don't worry about eh and his bitching. You and I might not see to eye to eye but you have almost single-handedly saved this website from oblivion, so I've got your back.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
What are you, a fucking HOMOPHOBE? What is the matter with two men sharing a peck on the lips, you bigot?
(Long Spike)
LOL I hear you. It's just Gaza wall art.