Looks like a win for robots to replace the fake teachers or a win for there being less fake teachers.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
They like sitting at home collecting their money and teaching in their Pj's.
They don't care about the children at all.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
The government has been screeching about how bad the Chinavirus is for the past year but now everything is fine becuase the orangeman is out of office!? Whatdya expect?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
On the Subject, what kids are going through in Alaska.
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sato (Old Spike)
you think working at home is easier, but doing online lessons is a lot harder and takes a lot more preparation time. checking kids' work afterwards is also a huge pain, making sure they're actually studying is a lot harder, and even just making sure every kid has access means you have to have a few different versions of every lesson. in person you can walk around the room, see how they're all doing with their work, help the ones that haven't quite got it, they can help each other (discussion and peer learning really helps kids learn), none of that is possible online. on the other hand when covid is spreading badly you have kids catching it at school, brining it home, and often enough it kills one of their family memebers, which is of course even worse than education difficulties.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Once I transitioned to public school, I never had teachers walk around and help, they told us to keep our eyes on our work, no talking in class, and played favorites. If you didn't get it they just explained it the same way and made you do it again. I was barely taught at all. What you are describing I never had.
Maybe you had a good school, or better teachers.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I've been to seven different school, kicked out of 3, i even got kicked out of the school they send you to when you get kicked out of regular school, sent to juvie hall for 2.5 years. I've been to mid-size inner city school and small town school, Very wealthy and very poor. They are all different. Better paying schools get better teachers and better materials. Bigger classes gets less one on one from the teacher. I've had pos teachers at wealthy schools and very kind and caring teachers at poor schools. It all depends on the character of the teacher but money does make a huge difference.
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sato (Old Spike)
or possibly both. sounds like in your experience they didn't or couldn't really care. for example i have heard pretty often of teachers being told to play favorites (the words used were more like "focus resources on students where the most benefit will be seen") for funding. declining state budgets and the "no child left behind" farce have really messed american education up.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I got a 6 yr in K and the mom who is a librarian at her school, online classes is a fucking disaster! Some kids are at daycare or just have no parents their to help, some kids play the whole time, some just ask for snacks and bathroom breaks the whole time, others think its show and tell, its fucking hilarious listening in when my kid does the online classes. My kid hates it as most other kids do as well. The school requires the teachers to be in school doing their classes. My gf got her first vaccine shot but because of shortages and delays she cant get the second shot and is refusing to go back to in-person classes or send our kid back because if she gets infected then she has to get the first of two shots all over again and has to wait for 4 weeks, also her dad is immune compromised and would most likely die if he gets it so she isnt taking any risks. I see both sides and I think it should be a choice based on circumstances, not a one solution fits all like they are now doing.
(Old Spike)
Looks like a win for robots to replace the fake teachers or a win for there being less fake teachers.
(Old Spike)
They like sitting at home collecting their money and teaching in their Pj's.
They don't care about the children at all.
(sounds retarded)
The government has been screeching about how bad the Chinavirus is for the past year but now everything is fine becuase the orangeman is out of office!? Whatdya expect?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
you think working at home is easier, but doing online lessons is a lot harder and takes a lot more preparation time. checking kids' work afterwards is also a huge pain, making sure they're actually studying is a lot harder, and even just making sure every kid has access means you have to have a few different versions of every lesson. in person you can walk around the room, see how they're all doing with their work, help the ones that haven't quite got it, they can help each other (discussion and peer learning really helps kids learn), none of that is possible online. on the other hand when covid is spreading badly you have kids catching it at school, brining it home, and often enough it kills one of their family memebers, which is of course even worse than education difficulties.
(Old Spike)
Once I transitioned to public school, I never had teachers walk around and help, they told us to keep our eyes on our work, no talking in class, and played favorites. If you didn't get it they just explained it the same way and made you do it again. I was barely taught at all. What you are describing I never had.
Maybe you had a good school, or better teachers.
(sounds retarded)
I've been to seven different school, kicked out of 3, i even got kicked out of the school they send you to when you get kicked out of regular school, sent to juvie hall for 2.5 years. I've been to mid-size inner city school and small town school, Very wealthy and very poor. They are all different. Better paying schools get better teachers and better materials. Bigger classes gets less one on one from the teacher. I've had pos teachers at wealthy schools and very kind and caring teachers at poor schools. It all depends on the character of the teacher but money does make a huge difference.
(Old Spike)
or possibly both. sounds like in your experience they didn't or couldn't really care. for example i have heard pretty often of teachers being told to play favorites (the words used were more like "focus resources on students where the most benefit will be seen") for funding. declining state budgets and the "no child left behind" farce have really messed american education up.
(sounds retarded)
I got a 6 yr in K and the mom who is a librarian at her school, online classes is a fucking disaster! Some kids are at daycare or just have no parents their to help, some kids play the whole time, some just ask for snacks and bathroom breaks the whole time, others think its show and tell, its fucking hilarious listening in when my kid does the online classes. My kid hates it as most other kids do as well. The school requires the teachers to be in school doing their classes. My gf got her first vaccine shot but because of shortages and delays she cant get the second shot and is refusing to go back to in-person classes or send our kid back because if she gets infected then she has to get the first of two shots all over again and has to wait for 4 weeks, also her dad is immune compromised and would most likely die if he gets it so she isnt taking any risks. I see both sides and I think it should be a choice based on circumstances, not a one solution fits all like they are now doing.