Craig Atkinson’s short film includes documentary footage of police-training seminars that embrace the “warrior cop” mentality.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
If you are not emotionally prepared for certain situations it is more likely to panic, like the cop shooting the guy for the seat belt violation or the last one. A "conditioned response" is not the answer as cops should not be at war with whoever they are dealing with.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Situations that police are often presented with-without warning and at any time-has to be difficult to deal with. I knew there was a problem 2 years ago though when 8 police showed up to a neoghbor's house in tactical body armor, packing all kinds of weapons, and approaching like they were clearing a house in Baghdad for a domestic dispute. 20 years ago, they would have showed up in my small town with 2 cops and knocked on the door. It's a different world.
(Old Spike)
If you are not emotionally prepared for certain situations it is more likely to panic, like the cop shooting the guy for the seat belt violation or the last one. A "conditioned response" is not the answer as cops should not be at war with whoever they are dealing with.
(Long Spike)
Situations that police are often presented with-without warning and at any time-has to be difficult to deal with. I knew there was a problem 2 years ago though when 8 police showed up to a neoghbor's house in tactical body armor, packing all kinds of weapons, and approaching like they were clearing a house in Baghdad for a domestic dispute. 20 years ago, they would have showed up in my small town with 2 cops and knocked on the door. It's a different world.