Tessler Semi, the math

daftcunt's picture

Does The Tesla Semi Make Any Sense?

Not as bad as one would have thought!

Average: 5 (4 votes)


warriorcookie's picture

I love data driven conversations around disruptive technology.


Too often it's so tribal.  Wether they argue for or against, it always seems so full of logical fallicies and gets emotional very quickly.

I don't own one, but as EV's evolve I love watching all the challenges and how various solutions are engineered.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

Here’s the thing. Eventually we’re going to run out of oil in about 25 years or so and even if we find some new sources there’s no way around it. This isn’t the problem though, the problem is the fact that before we run out of oil the price is going to go up so much it will make fuelling the average family car let alone fuelling a truck cost prohibitive. My money is on that happening within 15 years from now.

Point is we kinda need an alternative and all practical sustainable solutions point to electrically powered vehicles. Simply put sooner than you think the world’s going to need to adapt with sustainable energy and infrastructure to support battery charging.

I going to be the first to admit i don’t know how that’s gonna work or what it will look like but i do know most governments around the world are probably gonna fuck it up.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If you ask me the first thing to do is to abolish road tax and make people pay for their consumption by adding a fee to the fuel price. In coutries like the US fuel is way too cheap to give an incentive to save money, just look at the idiotic number of extremely large SUV's and pick ups (that are not even offered in the developed world) for recreational use.


One of the next steps needs to be making electric conversion kits widely available and easy to homologate, especially recrational SUV's and pick ups are predestined for this kind of use. Here in spain unfortunately it is literally impossible to do this, none of the start ups that tried are still in business, such a shame!

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danman's picture

we need to curb it bigtime for the sake of lowering CO2 emmissions afaik. Sooner the better.... but we have centuries worth of known oil reserves under the ground & are still discovering more

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