Leading up to the HBO documentary airing March 18th and the upcoming movie starring Jennifer Lawrence as Elizabeth Holmes based on the book Bad Blood, this documentary gives a great picture of the disastrous swindle that Holmes perpetrated. It really says a lot about this country when you realize how much of it all was persuasion and the involvement of political figures. The Clintons, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis, Rupert Murdoch, major investment funds, and a lot of other people and investment firms including of course Walgreens were all jerked off. It's an incredible story that wrote its own movie script. Of course our justice system is so slow that the litigation continues and she will never serve anything beyond country club prison jail time anyway but the story is incredible.
(Old Spike)
It's an interesting story but I don't know that it makes for a good movie plot. Probably would make a better doco, investigating how & why a venture like this attracts those types of establishment figures. Nikki Haley now sits on the board of Boeing.... the revolving door stuff needs more exposure.
(Old Spike)
Parallels to a certain president come to mind, like incompetence, lying, illusions of grandeur, extreme levels of fluctuationin the organisation....
(Old Spike)
Knowing what I know now, it's really quite ridiculous that anyone thought this could be accomplished by those people.
I saw an RFP tender from the Canada Space Agency recently where they are just now beginning the process of creating these kinds of devices for the manned mission to Mars. It's in the design stage - the brainstorming stage - today. It's space-tech, and will cost hundreds of millions to produce over several decades.
(Long Spike)
Greed does funny things to people. People who by all accounts are bright get blinded by a con artist promising benefits when with basic investigation, their promises can be seen as obvious lies. Sounds like a very familiar formula actually.
(Old Spike)
Daft Cunt sees everything through a lens of criticizing Trump because he's ideologically possessed. You do it for other reasons. What are they again? Your nightly cable programming is 90% con artists spinning conspiracy theories and promising prosperity through war and that HAS to be what you're referring to, right?