It happened with Japanese biological warfare reseach too. The Americans traded war crimes immunity for the research. [sauce]
Part of the research was to conduct live human experiments on Koreans & Chinese but everyone just thinks the Nazis were the only racially motivated demons.
The Japs & Germans were both rewarded with massive economic support & went on to become quite rich while the Chinese were left to starve with no help from anyone, bar a few hundred million from USSR. And when Japan's economy boomed they cut a deal with Taiwan to never pay any reparations.
In general people only know about the rape of Nanking but that's the tip of the iceberg. In many ways the Japs were far worse thn the Nazis & in some ways the legacy remains.
Japan's current PM denies that any war crimes took place. Perhaps because his grandfather & political mentor, Nobusuke Kishi, was a war criminal who enslaved hundreds of thousands of people in Manchuria. Nobusuke Kishi went on to become the PM of Japan.
In 1956…the Eisenhower administration labored long and hard to install Kishi as head of the…Liberal-Democratic Party and as Japan’s new prime minister. This was the same Kishi who had been a member of the hard core ruling clique in Manchuria with General Tojo Hideki…Kishi had also signed Japan’s Declaration of War against America in December 1941…During World War II he was vice minister of munitions and minister of commerce and industry, actively involved in slave labor…Following Japan’s surrender, he was one of the most prominent indicted war criminals…[pg. 122. Seagraves wrong on a point here: Kishi was accused and detained as a Class A war criminal for “crimes against peace” i.e. plotting war, but never formally indicted]
Everything's cool when you're on Team American Exceptionalism.
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thegent (Old Spike)
'The Japs & Germans were both rewarded with massive economic support & went on to become quite rich while the Chinese were left to starve with no help from anyone'
they also had a better work ethic and were better equiped to pick the economy up after the war...not to mention there are a lot of American bases in both countries..none in China
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
They were better equipped but not so sure about the work ethic thing. Japan & Germany got cucked & reaped the rewards. Japan grew too quick though & had to get re-cucked in the 80's with the Plaza Accord. Their "lost decade" has lasted about 30 years so far. The US lacks the int'l backing to pull off a Plaza Accord with China.
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thegent (Old Spike)
the lost decade thing has nothing to do with the hard working attitude they have i think..i mean there are no two better examples of powerhouse countries than germany and japan..ok china since the 80s but as peoples nobody beats germany and my opinion..
(Old Spike)
It happened with Japanese biological warfare reseach too. The Americans traded war crimes immunity for the research. [sauce]
Part of the research was to conduct live human experiments on Koreans & Chinese but everyone just thinks the Nazis were the only racially motivated demons.
The Japs & Germans were both rewarded with massive economic support & went on to become quite rich while the Chinese were left to starve with no help from anyone, bar a few hundred million from USSR. And when Japan's economy boomed they cut a deal with Taiwan to never pay any reparations.
In general people only know about the rape of Nanking but that's the tip of the iceberg. In many ways the Japs were far worse thn the Nazis & in some ways the legacy remains.
Japan's current PM denies that any war crimes took place. Perhaps because his grandfather & political mentor, Nobusuke Kishi, was a war criminal who enslaved hundreds of thousands of people in Manchuria. Nobusuke Kishi went on to become the PM of Japan.
Everything's cool when you're on Team American Exceptionalism.
(Old Spike)
'The Japs & Germans were both rewarded with massive economic support & went on to become quite rich while the Chinese were left to starve with no help from anyone'
they also had a better work ethic and were better equiped to pick the economy up after the war...not to mention there are a lot of American bases in both countries..none in China
(Old Spike)
They were better equipped but not so sure about the work ethic thing. Japan & Germany got cucked & reaped the rewards. Japan grew too quick though & had to get re-cucked in the 80's with the Plaza Accord. Their "lost decade" has lasted about 30 years so far. The US lacks the int'l backing to pull off a Plaza Accord with China.
(Old Spike)
the lost decade thing has nothing to do with the hard working attitude they have i think..i mean there are no two better examples of powerhouse countries than germany and japan..ok china since the 80s but as peoples nobody beats germany and my opinion..