T.J. Miller is done


thrasymacus's picture

How do you corroborate an event like that? Was there a 3rd party present? 

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skeptoid's picture

Darn I liked him in Deadpool.

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danmanjones's picture

So he was rough and she came back for more? Seems like implicit consent.

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eh's picture

There are three women who could pop up from my late teens and early twenties with stories of sexual assault. What actually happened was they got freaky and we were doing crazy shit. It can happen to pretty much anyone if a gold digger makes a play.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I guess this is in line with the reason his ass was kicked off Silicon Valley.  Turns out he's a real douch when she doesn't go his way.  He apparently got very angry and took out his anger at Trump on his co-stars, berating them for not donating more to Hillary during the campaign.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

he didnt get fired, he walked away.


he might have left because he knew this was coming down the pipes

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Right.... right....  He "walked away" from one of the most popular shows on TV because "reasons".  His ass was about to be shown the door and he decided to get out ahead of it.


TJ Miller is a grade a leftist asshole, even worse than than his fellow leftists on the show.  He kept butting heads with one of the main showrunners as well.  They can let him save face by claiming he quit but funny how when Mike Judge was asked about TJ leaving he refused to comment on the matter.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

really? cause when i google mike judge and tj miller i see links to pages where mike is talking about him leaving.

ever hear of leaving on a high note? remember when steve carell left the offiice and people were like "why?" and now  when you look back at the last couple of season your like "good call steve"

you think the new metallica is better than the old? do you think sequels are better than the originals? if we could only put your people on a train and send it to a camp

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