So far they filed 50 suits all were thrown out minus one, which was in part admitted.
So, in contrary to pooltards' beliefs nobody is shivering with fear..........
Still hillarious, though!
(6 votes)
So far they filed 50 suits all were thrown out minus one, which was in part admitted.
So, in contrary to pooltards' beliefs nobody is shivering with fear..........
Still hillarious, though!
(Old Spike)
But the question remains, what does Tim Pool have to say about this? CBS is known alphanet fake news grade A and cant be taken for actual fact
(Old Spike)
oh, number one pooltard already posted a pool video regarding this as a reply somewhere, I saw this morning.
(Old Spike)
Although the chances are small in your description you actually give away the only piece of information that matters. Trump's not going to win this but there's a tiny little chance that he might. And, although I'm past the election and I'm more concerned now about the civil war people like you have worked so hard to create the conditions for if by any slim margin he actually pulls it off, or even if Biden's blocked from taking office, or even if scotus acknowledges widespread voter fraud during the election, no one here is ever going to let you live it down. I don't understand why you get ahead of yourself and set yourself up for potential embarrassment again and again. It's like you're not aware that Tim Poole is saying Trump has virtually no chance of winning and has been saying this for weeks now. But you have all of your eggs in one basket and although I think it's going to work out for you if it doesn't it will be the most hilarious thing that has ever occurred on this site. And it's Christmas so....