when your on you tube and you click share you are given a few tabs, the one you want is embeded so copy that code. when your posting a comment here click disable rich text them past in the embeded code.
thats it. oh and yes you save that.
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
t00t t00t
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thegent (Old Spike)
why did it cut at 36sec and some guy is just strolling by..
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
lady in 2nd video needs to bring him an apple pie to apologize. Don't people watch Blazing Saddles any more? wtf
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Watermelon and fried chicken. Get your stereotypesright. But then again gayboy may be vegan.....
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
How the fuck do I embed videos?
(Site Administrator)
when your on you tube and you click share you are given a few tabs, the one you want is embeded so copy that code. when your posting a comment here click disable rich text them past in the embeded code.
thats it. oh and yes you save that.
(Long Spike)
t00t t00t
(Old Spike)
why did it cut at 36sec and some guy is just strolling by..
(Old Spike)
lady in 2nd video needs to bring him an apple pie to apologize. Don't people watch Blazing Saddles any more? wtf
(Old Spike)
Watermelon and fried chicken. Get your stereotypesright. But then again gayboy may be vegan.....
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
this is great but should be 2min 30sec long..