Tranquilized and Traumatized

Bobbob's picture

School Feminizes Boys and Traumatizes Girls

This one is shocking if you stop to think about it. Is it possible that little boys are having their natural development affected due to a flaw in the educational system, reaching as far back as preschool? 

Warning. May be triggering to those who don't believe in basic biology or preadolescent gender differences. Best to stay away if this is the case. Otherwise, enjoy.

Average: 2 (3 votes)


hello kitty's picture

My faith that humans are able to defy programming and think spontaneously has been severely shaken in the past 5 years or so.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I know right? Millions of years of evolution and we figured it all out like.. 5 minutes ago? Funniest thing, the video above got a 1 star review (and I know from who).  Facts getting in the way of folks preferred narrative I guess. Tragic.​

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't worry, you can pray the gay away in bible camp after all.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

No you can't. Best you can hope for is to have the kid join the seminary. 😉

You didn't watch the vid daf. If you had I'm sure the bit about rough and tumble playtime, including 'build and destroy' (remember those huge wooden building blocks in kindergarten? Build and destroy was great!) would have resonated with you given your love of engineering.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, I cannot take people seriously that voluntarily appear on prageru. Really, I can't. She will possibly end up like peterson, exclusively appearing on ultra right wing political blogs. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Your choice. But what about the facts she raised, eg. about little boys even at that young age having surges in testosterone equivalent to those experienced by adolescents (comparatively speaking, meaning per blood volume). It's obvious that, evolutionarily at least, these need to be worked out naturally, as part of childhood development.. through rough and tumble play for boys (and even girls to some extent). Do we just keep diagnosing them all with ADHD so they can be medicated and sit quietly during 'circle-time'?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Can't give you an answer other than:

  1. The kids of most parents that claim they suffer ADHD do no have any condition at all they are simply neglecting them, i.e. substituting interaction that stimulates the brain with computer games or overexcited sports (don't get me wrong sport is good for kids, one just has to choose wisely).
  2. People with a strong agenda strive at selective reading and quoting as well as exaggerating and lying to please their target audience, like some climate activists tell you we'll drown in 10 years, vegan bloggers will tell you nothing but their lifestyle is healthy and folks like Erica or Jordan with a strong political and religious (here especially homo- and transphobe) agenda will appear on prageru or another far right blog (plenty to choose from) with this kind of shit.
    All of what agenda driven people say needs to be taken in with a shovel of salt! 
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