See everyone, trannies are just like everyone else, they don't have any sort of mental disorder. If you dare say anything bad about this brave LGBT individual on social media you will be banned for hate speech.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
When comments in full retard mode enhance the spiked experience you never fail to deliver.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
When you can't refute the person who destroys your vapid claims that people who cannot accept their biological gender ARE NOT suffering from a mental disorder, so you just call them retarded instead.
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
I would NOT have stood there looking away with some psycho holding a fucking maul/axe. What possessed him to write that situation off? I would have backed up and had my hand real close to my conceal carry. People pay the fuck attention to whats going on around you! Grrr
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Trevicahn (Short Spike)
At least in America we just shoot each other like civilized human beings.
(Old Spike)
See everyone, trannies are just like everyone else, they don't have any sort of mental disorder. If you dare say anything bad about this brave LGBT individual on social media you will be banned for hate speech.
(Old Spike)
When comments in full retard mode enhance the spiked experience you never fail to deliver.
(Old Spike)
When you can't refute the person who destroys your vapid claims that people who cannot accept their biological gender ARE NOT suffering from a mental disorder, so you just call them retarded instead.
(Short Spike)
I would NOT have stood there looking away with some psycho holding a fucking maul/axe. What possessed him to write that situation off? I would have backed up and had my hand real close to my conceal carry. People pay the fuck attention to whats going on around you! Grrr
(Short Spike)
At least in America we just shoot each other like civilized human beings.