Transparent Election Might be Good Idea


skeptoid's picture

Fine - you take it. But he underestimates how this is going to be spun and the security state shenanigans that will come from this. The net outcome I think will be the complete marginalization of MAGA and a further clamp down on freedom for the rest of us. This was the opposite of "Innocent as a dove and wise as a serpent."

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AMWhy's picture

Moron doesn't like the news so says it's fake.  Sounds like a Trumpian view.

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sato's picture

yeah but a transparent election is much harder to steal. and i don't make that claim lightly. the bluest of blue precincts in california voted <70% in favor of biden, yet when 90-98% of a lot of precincts in georgia came up in favor of biden, as well as clear re-totalling favoring biden by a wide margin, and they still claim "no evidence", what else could it be?

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skeptoid's picture

Also makes you wonder about 2016. I heard nothing at the time about a fraudulent election - it was immediately into "How did this happen?" and the "fake news" era began. Is it possible that they did this in 2016 and simply miscalculated how much they would need to game the tally for Clinton to win?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's been going on since after Eisenhower at least.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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they didnt think trump would win in 2016 so they didnt bother, they had all the time in the world for 2020

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