Also notice how all the easy trenders are exclusively those pushing mainstream liberal viewpoints... Seems those claims that youtube was deliberately directing people away from any conservative or independent viewpoints were absolutely true.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
Interesting. But the trending tab is aids cancer.
(Old Spike)
yeah i don't use it either, but a shitton of people do, and those people also vote.
i wonder if those human moderators are provided by the DNC even? i mean they're only censoring anti-DNC content and promoting DNC content within the US.
(Old Spike)
The videos on that page are hand-picked AFAIK. It was exposed a little on a Project Veritas video & there's a certain amount of backroom favours among the staff who look after it. It's all pretty opaque & this video you've posted shows without a doubt that it's not a stright algorithm.
There are likely phone calls to people within Youtube lobbying for spots in there & the people who look after the list also are highly unlikely to be anything resembling a Republican. There could be some cronyism going on higher up the chain but who knows.
(Old Spike)
This is all well and good, but stuff like this is starting to get a bit tedious - it's like that classic Onion story about the dumb conspiracy theorist who is convinced that the Government runs NASA. Yes, YouTube is very methodically extracting the "You" from the "Tube" for reasons only they could explain precisely. They are abandoning their former revenue model in favor of becoming another MSM streaming service. This is really, really obvious, and videos like this are weird acting all "Hey wait a minute - I think something's going on here??!" LOL really?